- Daunius
- a, um [ Daunia ]1) давнийскийD. heros V — TurnusDaunia gens V — рутулыDaunia dea V — Juturna, сестра Турна2) поэт. апулийский; у H (уроженца этой местности) — римский (Camena H)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Iapyx — In Roman mythology, Iapyx or Iapux was Aeneas s healer during the Trojan War and then escaped to Italy after the war and founded Apulia.DescentHe was either: *the son of Lycaon, which would make him the brother of Daunius and Peucetius (who went… … Wikipedia
Iapyges — The Iapyges or Iapygians were an Indo European people who inhabited the heel of Italy (modern Apulia) before being absorbed by the Romans. IdentityThe Iapyges have origins either from Illyria [Talbert, Richard J. A. Atlas of Classical History .… … Wikipedia
Gliridae — Gliridae Lirón african … Wikipedia Español
Pevcetivs — PEVCETIVS, i, Gr. Πευκέτιος, ου, (⇒ Tab. XIX.) einer von Lykaons vielen Söhnen, die Jupiter endlich mit dem Blitze hinrichtete, Apollod. l. III. c. 8. §. 1. wiewohl doch auch andere wollen, daß er und seine beyden Brüder, Japyx und Daunius, einen … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Euptoieta — Euptoieta … Wikipédia en Français
Fritillaire panachée — Fritillaire panachée … Wikipédia en Français
BULBI — cum nucleis pineis, eruca et pipere in nuptiis olim adhibiti sunt; inde enim, in Nuptialia cena, Sponso ferculum parati consuevisse, scribit Alexander ab Alexandro Genial. Dier. l. 2. c. 5. ut apud quosdam idem fiebat ex papaveris semine cum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
daunomycin — ˌdȯnəˈmīsən, ˌdau̇ noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary dauno (from Latin Daunius Apulian) + mycin; originally formed in Italian as daunomicina : daunorubicin herein … Useful english dictionary