
ī m.
1) L. Junius D., один из самых преданных приверженцев Мария, казненный Суллой Sl, C
2) Licinius D., римский ценитель статуй C; собеседник Горация, впоследствии философ-стоик H

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Damasippus" в других словарях:

  • Damasippus — Damasippus, 1) Lucius Licinius D., war zur Zeit der Sullanischen Unruhen Prätor in Rom, stand auf der Partei des Marius u. ließ die Sullaner Carbo, Scävola, Antistius u. A. theils ächten, theils tödten, wurde aber nach Sullas Siege umgebracht. 2) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • DAMASIPPUS — I. DAMASIPPUS Dux in exercitu Philippi Macedonis luxuriosus, et ideo ab eo finibus regni proscriptus. vide Aeropus. II. DAMASIPPUS alio nomine Lucinius Senator, Iubam Regem victorem Uticam ingredientem comitatus. Caes. l. 2. de Bello civil. sub… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • LICINIUS Damasippus — vide Damasippus …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • AEROPUS et DAMASIPPUS — Duces in Exercitu Philippi Macedonis, in Thebanos bellum gerentis: qui ex cauponâ Psaltriam conductam castris induxerunt. Hac re cognitâ Philippus utrumque ducem voce Praeconis terminis regni sui exegit. Polyaenus l. 4. c. 2 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ДАМАСИПП —    • Damasippus,        1. L. Licinius, приверженец Мария, осквернивший свою память опалами и убийствами, которым он подвергал сторонников Суллы, между прочим Корбона, Сцеволу (понтифика), Антистия и др. Когда Сулла одержал победу над Марием, Д.… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Lucius Cornelius Sulla — This article is about the Roman dictator Sulla. For the Celtic goddess sometimes called Sulla, see Sulis. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Bust of Sulla in the Munich Glyptothek Dictator of the Roman …   Wikipedia

  • List of Roman cognomina — NOTOC This is a list of Roman cognomina.AAbercius, Abito, Acacius, Acaunus, Achaicus, Acilianus, Adauctus, Adepphius, Adjutor, Adranos, Adventus, Aeacus, Aebutus, Aemilianus, Aetius, Afer, Agaptus, Agatopus, Agelastus, Agorix, Agricola, Agrippa,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of ancient Romans — This an alphabetical List of ancient Romans. These include citizens of ancient Rome remembered in history for some reason. Note that some persons may be listed multiple times, once for each part of the name. See also: List of Roman Emperors… …   Wikipedia

  • Licinius (gens) — Licinius was a celebrated plebeian gens of Ancient Rome. One person who belonged to the gens was C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, who helped in the efforts to allow plebeians to become consul. The Licinius became one of the most illustrious gentes in… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaius Carrinas — (d. 82 BC), was a Roman politician and general. Carrinas, as a leading member of the Marian party, fought in the civil war against Lucius Cornelius Sulla.In 83 BC, Carrinas commanded with little success troops against the then young Gnaeus… …   Wikipedia

  • Sermonum liber secundus — (also known as Satires II ), is a collection of eight satirical poems that the Roman poet Horace published in 30 BCE as a sequel to his successful first book of satirical poems, Satires I, published five years previous. Just like the earlier… …   Wikipedia

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