- Cyzicus
- (-os), ī f. и Cyzicum, ī n.Киэик, город и п-ов во Фригии, на южн. берегу Пропонтиды C, Nep, VP, Sl etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cyzicus — was a town of Mysia. Cyzicus (Greek: Κύζικος, Kyzikos; Ottoman Turkish: آیدینجق, Aydıncıḳ) was an ancient town of Mysia in Anatolia in the current Balıkesir Province of Turkey. It was located on the shore … Wikipedia
Cyzicus — • A titular see of Asia Minor, metropolitan of the ancient ecclesiastical province of Hellespontus Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cyzicus Cyzicus … Catholic encyclopedia
Cyzĭcus — Cyzĭcus, Stadt, s. Kyzikos … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cyzicus — [siz′i kəs] ancient Greek city in NW Asia Minor, on the S shore of the Sea of Marmara … English World dictionary
CYZICUS — I. CYZICUS a Thessalis oriundus. Fuit enim ex Aeneo Apollinis et Stilbes filio natus, qui, relictâ Thessaliâ, ubi fuerat ortus. in Hellespontum se contulit atque ibi regnavit, et Aenetem, Eufori Thraciae Regis filiam, uxorem duxit, ex qua Cyzicum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cyzicus — Kyzikos (Cyzicus) war eine griechische Stadt an der Südküste des Marmarameers in der antiken Landschaft Mysien; heute Balız bei Erdek in der Provinz Balıkesir (Türkei). Die Stadt lag auf dem Isthmos der Halbinsel Arktonnesos (Kapıdağ) und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cyzicus — /siz i keuhs/, n. an ancient city in NW Asia Minor, in Mysia, on a peninsula in the Sea of Marmara. * * * ▪ ancient town, Turkey ancient Greek town, located on the southern coast of the Sea of Marmara in what is now Balikhisar, Tur. It was… … Universalium
Cyzicus (Titularerzbistum) — Cyzicus (ital.: Cizico) ist ein Titularerzbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf einen untergegangenen Erzbischofssitz in der antiken Stadt Kyzikos in der kleinasiatischen Landschaft Mysien auf der asiatischen Seite der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cyzicus (Greek mythology) — King Cyzicus ruled over the Dolionians, a tribe that inhabited the southern shore of the Propontis. He gave his name to a city of the same name, Cyzicus, his capital. King Cyzicus welcomed the Argonauts on their journey to Colchis; but after… … Wikipedia
Cyzicus (mythology) — King Cyzicus ruled over the Dolionians, a tribe that inhabited the southern shore of the Propontis. He gave his name to a city of the same name, Cyzicus, his capital. King Cyzicus welcomed the Argonauts on their journey to Colchis; but after… … Wikipedia
Cyzicus — geographical name 1. see Kapidagi 2. ancient city in Mysia on isthmus leading to Kapidagi Peninsula … New Collegiate Dictionary