- Cytheris
Cythēris, idis f.Киферида, актриса, возлюбленная Антония C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cythēris — (C. Lindl.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie Orchideae Epidendreae; Art: C. cordifolia, in Ostindien … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
CYTHERIS — nobilissima meretrix, liberta cuiusdam Volumnii, quam Corn. Gallus Poeta supta modum adamavit, eamque Lycoridem vocat Virg. Ecl. 10. Vide Corn. Gallus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cytheris — Volumnia war eine antike römische Schauspielerin und Tänzerin aus der 2. Hälfte des 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Sie war eine Freigelassene unbekannter Herkunft (wahrscheinlich Griechin) und Geliebte zahlreicher namhafter Männer ihrer Zeit. Als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Issoria — Petit nacré … Wikipédia en Français
Ides of March (novel) — Ides of March is an epistolary novel by Thornton Wilder. It is, in the author s words, a fantasia on certain events and persons of the last days of the Roman republic... Historical reconstruction is not among the primary aims of this work . The… … Wikipedia
Cornelius Gallus — Gaius Cornelius Gallus (* um 70 v. Chr. angeblich in Forum Iulii [Fréjus?][1] oder in Forum Livii [Forlì][2]; † 27/26 v. Chr.) war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lucius Cornelius Gallus — Gaius Cornelius Gallus (* um 70 v. Chr. angeblich in Forum Iulii [Fréjus?][1] oder in Forum Livii [Forlì][2]; † 27/26 v. Chr.) war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of slaves — Slaves redirects here. For the 1969 drama film, see Slaves (film). Part of a series on Slavery … Wikipedia
Taxonomy of the Orchidaceae — The taxonomy of the orchid family has evolved slowly during the last 150 years, starting with Carolus Linnaeus who in 1753 recognized eight genera. De Jussieu recognized the Orchidaceae as a separate family in 1789. Olof Swartz recognized 25… … Wikipedia
Cornelius Gallus — Gaius Cornelius Gallus (ca. 70 BC – 26 BC), Roman poet, orator and politician, was born of humble parents at Forum Livii (Forlì)[1] in Italy. At an early age he moved to Rome, where he was taught by the same master as Virgil and Varius Rufus.… … Wikipedia
Calanthe — sylvatica Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia