
cyclamīnos, ī f. (греч.)
альпийская фиалка, цикламен (Cyclamen Europae um, L) PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "cyclaminos" в других словарях:

  • Cyclamen — Wild Cyclamen persicum Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae …   Wikipedia

  • cyclamen — 1550s, from M.L. cyclamen, from L. cyclaminos, from Gk. kyklaminos, from kyklos circle (see CYCLE (Cf. cycle) (n.)). So called in reference to the bulbous shape of the root …   Etymology dictionary

  • cyclamen — [ sɪkləmən] noun (plural same or cyclamens) a plant of the primrose family, having pink, red, or white flowers with backward curving petals. [Genus Cyclamen: several species.] Origin mod. L., from L. cyclaminos, from Gk kuklaminos, perh. from… …   English new terms dictionary

  • cyc|la|men — «SIHK luh mehn», noun. any one of a group of plants with heart shaped leaves and showy white, purple, pink, or crimson flowers, whose five petals bend backward. It belongs to the primrose family. ╂[< New Latin Cyclamen < Latin cyclamīnos… …   Useful english dictionary

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