- cunctipotens
cūncti-potēns, tis adj.всемогущий Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Alexandre-Pierre-François Boëly — (pastel par Edmond Pellerin, Musée Lambinet de Versailles) Alexandre Pierre François Boëly est un compositeur français né à Versailles, au 21 rue des Bourbonnais, le mardi 19 avril 1785 et mort à Paris, au 27 de la rue Ponthieu … Wikipédia en Français
Codex Calixtinus — Codex Calixtinus, Folio 4r, Apóstol Santiago. El Codex Calixtinus o Códice Calixtino es un manuscrito iluminado de mediados del siglo XII. Constituye una especie de guía para los peregrinos que seguían el Camino de Santiago en su viaje a Santiago … Wikipedia Español
French Organ Mass — The French Organ Mass is a type of Low Mass that came into use during the Baroque era. Essentially it is a Low Mass with organ music playing throughout: part of the so called alternatim practice. Contents 1 History 2 Composers 3 See also … Wikipedia
Codex Faenza — Le Codex Faenza [1] est un manuscrit copié au début du XVe siècle qui contient l une des plus anciennes collections de musique pour clavier dont on dispose. Il est actuellement conservé à la Bibliothèque Communale de Faenza, localité proche… … Wikipédia en Français
Tropo (música) — Originalmente se conocía como tropo un recurso musical usado en antiguos entornos populares profanos. En la música griega, el tropo era la altura basada en la octava media de las voces y el elemento principal de la estructura musical. En la época … Wikipedia Español
Троп (музыка) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Троп. Троп (лат. tropus, от греч. τρόπος здесь в значении «превращение», «обработка») литературно музыкальный жанр в средневековой западной Европе, в основе которого лежит… … Википедия
Cunctipotent — Cunc*tip o*tent (k?nk t?p ? tent), a. [L. cunctipotens; cunctus all + potens powerful.] All powerful; omnipotent. [R] God cunctipotent. Neale (Trans. Rhythm of St. Bernard). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
François Couperin — François Couperin, (1668 1733). Anonymous artist, Collection of the Château de Versailles. François Couperin (French pronunciation: [fʁɑ̃swa kuˈpʁɛ̃]) (10 November 1668 – 11 September 1733) was a French Baroque composer, organist and… … Wikipedia
Organum — This article is about a style of music. For the musical instrument, see organum (musical instrument). For the experimental music group, see David Jackman. Organum ( /ˈɔr … Wikipedia
Nicolas de Grigny — (baptized September 8, 1672 – November 30, 1703) was a French organist and composer. He died young and left behind a single collection of organ music, which together with the work of François Couperin, represents the pinnacle of French Baroque… … Wikipedia
Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers — (ca 1632 – 13 November 1714) was a French organist, composer and theorist. His first livre d orgue is the earliest surviving collection with traditional French organ school forms. Nivers s other music is less known; however, his treatises on… … Wikipedia