
Crustumīnum, ī n.
область Крустумерий L

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Crustuminum" в других словарях:

  • CRUSTUMINUM — oppid. Thusciaeiuxta Veios, forsan ad ostia fuit Crustumii fluv. quod Conca, urbs aquis absorpta. Baudrand. a quo incolae Crustumtni dicti, et Crustumina tribus, et Crustuminum vinum laudatissimum. Item Crustumina pyra, quae Virg. l. 2. Georg. v …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Crustumerium — (or Crustuminum) was an ancient town of Latium, on the edge of the Sabine territory, near the headwaters of the Allia, not far from the Tiber. In Rome s early semi legendary history, the Crustumini were amongst the peoples which attended Romulus… …   Wikipedia

  • Crustumerium — Le Latium vetus avec les cités de Caenina, d Antemnae, de Crustumerium, de Medullum, de Fidènes et de Véies, premières rivales de la Rome de Romulus …   Wikipédia en Français

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