- Crito
Critō, ōnis m.Критон, ученик и друг Сократа C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Crito — ist der lateinische Namen für einen Platondialog: siehe Kriton. für Personen aus der Antike: einen athener Bürger und Freund des Sokrates, einen griechischen Arzt aus dem 1. Jh., s. Kriton (Arzt) Außerdem ist Crito ein bekanntes römisches… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crito — For people named Criton or Crito, see Criton (disambiguation). Part of the series on: The Dialogues of Plato Early dialogues: Apology – Charmides – … Wikipedia
CRITO — I. CRITO Acronis Agrigentini discipulus, Cosmeticae primus Auctor, apud Reges feminasque illustres Medicinam fecit. De eo, scriptisque eius vide Galen. l. 1. II. CRITO Atheniensis, Socratis familiaris, quem ex opibus iuvit, et cum quo usque ad… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Crito of Alopece — For the Byzantine historian, see Michael Critobulus. Crito[1] of Alopece[2] was a faithful, probably lifelong companion of Socrates. The two had evidently grown up together as friends, being from the same deme and of roughly the same age (Plato,… … Wikipedia
КРИТОН — • Crito, Κρίτων, 1. ученик Сократа, знаменитый преданностью своему учителю. Хотел освободить Сократа из тюрьмы, предлагая для этой цели свое имущество. Платон назвал его именем один из своих диалогов, в котором К. беседует в… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Trial of Socrates — The Death of Socrates, by Jacques Louis David (1787) … Wikipedia
Plato — For other uses, see Plato (disambiguation) and Platon (disambiguation). Plato (Πλάτων) … Wikipedia
Socrates — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = Ancient philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = Socrates name = (Polytonic|Σωκράτης) birth = c. 469 / 470 BCcite web url = http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Socrates %28philosopher%29… … Wikipedia
Socrates — /sok reuh teez /, n. 469? 399 B.C., Athenian philosopher. * * * born с 470, Athens died 399 BC, Athens Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. Because he wrote… … Universalium
Socrates and the beginnings of moral philosophy — Hugh H.Benson INTRODUCTION Cicero in Tusculan Disputations famously tells us that Socrates first called philosophy down from the sky, set it in cities and even introduced it into homes, and compelled it to consider life and morals, good and evil … History of philosophy
Apology (Plato) — For the article on Xenophon s work on the same subject, see Apology (Xenophon). For other uses, see Apology (disambiguation) Part of the series on: The Dialogues of Plato Early dialogues … Wikipedia