- crepusculum
ī n. [ creper ]полусвет, полумрак (dubiae crepuscula lucis O); сумерки, преим. вечерниеprimo crepusculo Pl — с наступлением сумерек
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
CREPUSCULUM — a crepus, et hoc a Graeco κνέφας, caligo, indigitatur Papinio Statio, l. 10. Theb. v. 115. ubi de Somni aula, tenuis qui circuit aulam Invalidusque nitor: Ubi reponit Barthius, Nox humilisque nitor Ut dicat mixtam noctem et lucem, quo fiat… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Crepuscŭlum — Crepuscŭlum, Dämmerung, s.d.; daher Crepuscularia (Abendfalter), Abtheilung der Schmetterlinge, fliegen in der Dämmerung, sitzen am Tage ruhig, mit horizontal hinten auseinander stehenden, dunkelgefärbten, schmalen Vorderflügeln u. noch… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Crepuscŭlum — (lat.), Dämmerung … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
crepusculum — noun crepuscule; twilight; dusk [Earthshine] should appear more splendid and be visible after the crepusculum in the dark of night … Wiktionary
crepusculum — /krapaskyalam/ Twilight. In the common law of burglary, this term means the presence of sufficient light to discern the face of a man; such light as exists immediately before the rising of the sun or directly after its setting … Black's law dictionary
crepusculum — /krapaskyalam/ Twilight. In the common law of burglary, this term means the presence of sufficient light to discern the face of a man; such light as exists immediately before the rising of the sun or directly after its setting … Black's law dictionary
crepusculum — (French.) Twilight, that is, the partial light of day which precedes sunrise and follows sunset … Ballentine's law dictionary
crepusculum — … Useful english dictionary
crépuscule — [ krepyskyl ] n. m. • h. XIIIe « aube »; lat. crepusculum, de creperus « douteux » 1 ♦ Vx Lueur qui précède le lever du soleil. ⇒ 1. aube, aurore. « C était l heure où le jour chasse le crépuscule » (Hugo). ♢ Mod., littér. Le crépuscule du matin … Encyclopédie Universelle
crepuscul — CREPÚSCUL, crepuscule, s.n. 1. Sfârşit de zi; înserare, amurg. ♦ fig. Declin, sfârşit. 2. Perioadă de timp înainte de răsăritul soarelui; auroră. 3. Lumină slabă, semiîntuneric. – Din fr. crépuscule, lat. crepusculum. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09 … Dicționar Român
Jonni Future — Superherobox| caption = Jonni Future, as realized by Art Adams. comic color = background:#8080ff character name = Jonni Future publisher = America s Best Comics debut = Tom Strong s Terrific Tales #1 creators = Steve Moore Art Adams alliance… … Wikipedia