
ōrum n.
котиттии, оргиастические празднества в честь фракийск. богини Cotytto H

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Cotyttia" в других словарях:

  • Cotyttia — (Greek: Κοτύττια, Kotuttiā) was an orgiastic, nocturnal religious festival of ancient Greece and Thrace in celebration of Cotytto, the goddess of unchastity, considered an aspect of Persephone.[1][2] Celebration Cotyttia originated with the… …   Wikipedia

  • COTYTTO — us, Dea impudicitiae, cui Athenis a Baptis (eô nomine vocabantur eius sacerdotes) nocturna sacra fiebant, quae ab illa vocantur Cotyttia. Hanc Probus saltatticem fuisse existimat, unde etiam sacerdote eius lascivis saltationibus mores eius… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Paleo-Balkan mythology — The cult of the Thracian horseman spread over much of the Balkans during the Roman period. Paleo Balkan mythology includes the religious practices of the Dacians, Thracians, and Illyrians. Little is known about the rituals and mythology of the… …   Wikipedia

  • CRYPTA Sacra — apud Petronium, Ego sum ancilla Quartillae, cuius vos sacra inante crypta turbâstis: eadem sunt cum iis, quae paulo post ibidem, Secreta, item nocturnae Religiones, Valerio operta sacra, Graecis, κρύφια dicuntur, qualia erant Eleusinia,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • SACRA — I. SACRA Cryphia, seu Opertanea, apud Petronium ubi alii crypta legunt, dicebantur Veter bus illa, ad quarum inspectionem, non nisi post variorum annorum moram et per difficiles plurimarum ceremoniarum ambages, homines admittebantur. Qualia erant …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Co|tys — «KOH tihs», noun. Greek Mythology. a Thracian goddess whose festival, the Cotyttia, was celebrated with licentious revelry …   Useful english dictionary

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