- Cotiso
ōnis m.Котизон, предводитель даков, побежденный M Крассом в 30 г. до н. э. Su, H
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cotiso — (approximately 30 BC) was a Dacian king who ruled the mountains between Banat and Oltenia (modern day Romania). Horatius calls him king of the Dacians[1]. Suetonius calls him king of the Getae [1]. He is mentioned also by Florus, who wrote that… … Wikipedia
COTISO — Dacorum Rex, cuius exercitus, cum Pannonias invasisset, a Cornelio Lentulo, Duce Augusti Caesaris victus est. Horat. l. 3. Carmin. Od. S. v. 18. Occidit Daci Cotisonis agmen. Abrahamus Mylius, l. de linguâ Belgica, c. 26. Cotison, quasi Gotes son … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Coson — The golden denarius minted with the legenda ΚΟΣΩΝ. Due to the lack of written information regarding the Getae Dacians history, many important names related to their civilization remain either unknown or controversial. The controversy regarding… … Wikipedia
Dacia — This article is about a historic region in Central Europe. For the Romanian automobile maker, see Automobile Dacia. For other uses, see Dacia (disambiguation). See also: Dacians and Dacian language Dacian Kingdom independent kingdom … Wikipedia
List of Dacian names — Contents 1 Anthroponyms 2 Toponyms 2.1 Hydronyms 3 See also 4 Notes … Wikipedia
List of rulers of Thrace and Dacia — Map of Ancient Thrace made by Abraham Ortelius in 1585 This article lists rulers of Thrace and Dacia, and includes Thracian, Paeonian, Celtic, Dacian, Scythian, Persian or Ancient Greek up to the point of its fall to the Roman empire, with a few… … Wikipedia
Chronologie De La Dacie — Ceci est une chronologie des évenements relatifs à la Dacie et aux Daces. Objets du Paléolithique … Wikipédia en Français
Chronologie de la Dacie — Ceci est une chronologie des évènements relatifs à la Dacie et aux Daces. Objets archéologiques, datés de 1700 à 800 avant notre ère. Sommaire 1 Avant les Daces … Wikipédia en Français
Chronologie de la dacie — Ceci est une chronologie des évenements relatifs à la Dacie et aux Daces. Objets du Paléolithique … Wikipédia en Français
Chronologie des évennements relatifs a la Dacie et aux daces — Chronologie de la Dacie Ceci est une chronologie des évenements relatifs à la Dacie et aux Daces. Objets du Paléolithique … Wikipédia en Français
Siren — This article is about the mythological creature. For the noise maker, see Siren (noisemaker). For other uses, see Siren (disambiguation). Leucosia redirects here. For the capital city of Cyprus, see Nicosia Sirens Mythology Greek Grouping… … Wikipedia