- cosmopoeia
cosmopoēia, ae f. (греч.)сотворение мира Boët
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Agostino Steuco — (in Latin Steuchus or Eugubinus) (1497 ndash; 1548), Italian humanist, Old Testament scholar, Counter Reformation polemicist and antiquarian,was born at Gubbio in Umbria.In 1513 he entered the congregation of the Order of the Augustinian Canons… … Wikipedia
Philosophy (The) of the Italian Renaissance — The philosophy of the Italian Renaissance Jill Kraye TWO CULTURES: SCHOLASTICISM AND HUMANISM IN THE EARLY RENAISSANCE Two movements exerted a profound influence on the philosophy of the Italian Renaissance: scholasticism and humanism, both of… … History of philosophy
CASMANNUS Otto — Theologus Reformat. scriptâ Angelographiâ, Cosmopoeiâ, aliisque pietatem et praxin spirantibus, celebris. Obiit Stadae Saxonum, A. C. 1604. aetat. 45 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
GENESIS — I. GENESIS ; nomen doctrinae reconditioris, apud Aegzptios, ad cuius ἀκρόασιν nemo nisi circumcisus admissus. Origenes Ep. ad Rom c. 2. l. 2. Apud Aegyptios nullus aut Geometriae studebat, aut Astronomiae, quae apud illos praecipua ducitur,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale