- adminiculum
- ī n.1) подпора, опора (arboribus adminicula applicare Sen)2) поддержка, помощь (suis viribus, sine adminiculo Q)adminicula gubernandi PM — средства управления (кораблём)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
adminiculum — n.; pl. ula [L. adminiculum, support] 1. A support or prop. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) a. Minute hairs, spines or teeth on the dorsal abdominal surface of certain pupae that aid in locomotion. b. Elevated or indented lines on some larvae … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Adminiculum — Ad|mini̱culum [aus lat. adminiculum, Gen.: adminiculi = Stütze] s; s, ...la: Sehnenverbreiterung, verstärkung (an Muskelansatzstellen). Ad|mini̱culum li̱neae ạlbae: dreieckiges, an der ↑Symphyse entspringendes Sehnenband, das die ↑Linea alba… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Adminiculum — Ad|mi|ni|cu|lum [...k...] das; s, ...la <aus lat. adminiculum »Stütze«> Sehnenverbreiterung, verstärkung (an Muskelansatzstellen; Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
adminiculum — That which gives support to a part. [L. a hand rest, prop, fr. ad + manus, hand] a. lineae albae a triangular fibrous expansion, sometimes containing a few muscular fibers, passing from the superior pubic ligament to the posterior … Medical dictionary
adminiculum — /asdmanikyabm/ An adminicle; a prop or support; an accessory thing. An aid or support to something else, whether a right or the evidence of one. It is principally used to designate evidence adduced in aid or support of other evidence, which… … Black's law dictionary
adminiculum — /asdmanikyabm/ An adminicle; a prop or support; an accessory thing. An aid or support to something else, whether a right or the evidence of one. It is principally used to designate evidence adduced in aid or support of other evidence, which… … Black's law dictionary
adminiculum — … Useful english dictionary
adminiculum lineae albae — ad·mi·nic·u·lum lin·e·ae al·bae .ad mə .nik yə ləm .lin ē .ē al .bē, ē .ī , .bī n the deeper attachment of the inferior end of the linea alba that spreads out into a triangular sheet and attaches posteriorly to the crest of the pubis * * * [TA]… … Medical dictionary
triangular ligament of linea alba — adminiculum lineae albae … Medical dictionary
stay of white line — adminiculum lineae albae … Medical dictionary
adminicule — [ adminikyl ] n. m. • 1555; lat. adminiculum 1 ♦ Vx Appui, moyen auxiliaire. ♢ Dr. Élément, commencement de preuve. ⇒ indice. 2 ♦ (1740) Attribut, ornement d une figure de médaille. ● adminicule nom masculin Commencement de preuve. ⇒ADMINICULE,… … Encyclopédie Universelle