- corticatus
corticātus, a, um [ cortex ]покрытый корой (pars surculi Pall)corticata pix Col — вид камеди
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pleurotus dryinus — Taxobox name = Pleurotus dryinus regnum = Fungi phylum = Basidiomycota classis = Basidiomycetes subclassis = Agaricomycetidae ordo = Agaricales familia = Pleurotaceae genus = Pleurotus species = P. dryinus binomial = Pleurotus dryinus binomial… … Wikipedia
List of Thomisidae species — See also the List of Thomisidae genera, which is sorted by subfamilies. This page lists all described species of the spider family Thomisidae as of June 18, 2008.Acentroscelus Acentroscelus Simon, 1886 * Acentroscelus albipes Simon, 1886 Brazil * … Wikipedia
Pleurotus ostreatus — Oyster mushroom in the Havré wood, Belgium Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Corticate — Cor ti*cate (k?r t? k?t), Corticated Cor ti*ca ted ( k? t?d), a. [L. corticatus.] Having a special outer covering of a nature unlike the interior part. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Corticated — Corticate Cor ti*cate (k?r t? k?t), Corticated Cor ti*ca ted ( k? t?d), a. [L. corticatus.] Having a special outer covering of a nature unlike the interior part. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Misumenoides — spider, possibly M. parvus, on the Bidens ferulifolia flower. Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Xymene traversi — Taxobox name = Xymene traversi image caption = status = regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda ordo = Sorbeoconcha familia = Muricidae genus = Xymene species = X. traversi binomial = Xymene traversi binomial authority = (Hutton … Wikipedia
corticate — cortication, n. /kawr ti kit, kayt /, adj. having a cortex. Also, corticated. [1840 50; < L corticatus, equiv. to cortic (s. of cortex) CORTEX + atus ATE1] * * * … Universalium
decorticate — decorticator, n. /dee kawr ti kayt /, v.t., decorticated, decorticating. 1. to remove the bark, husk, or outer covering from. 2. Surg. to remove the cortex from (an organ or structure). [1605 15; < L decorticatus (ptp. of decorticare to peel),… … Universalium
Misumenoides — Misumenoides … Wikipédia en Français
Tobias (genre) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tobias . Tobias … Wikipédia en Français