- corporatus
- corporātus, a, um [ corporo ]телесный, материальный (mundus C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
corporé — ⇒CORPORÉ, ÉE, adj. Région. [En parlant d une pers.] Bâti. Des beaux hommes, pour sûr, bien membrés, bien corporés, des gaillards aussi solides que Pierre (MOSELLY, Terres lorr., 1907, p. 101) : • Elle n était pas femme à reculer devant le diable … Encyclopédie Universelle
Corporate — Cor po*rate (k?r p? r?t), a. [L. corporatus, p. p. of corporare to shape into a body, fr. corpus body. See {Corpse}.] 1. Formed into a body by legal enactment; united in an association, and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Corporate member — Corporate Cor po*rate (k?r p? r?t), a. [L. corporatus, p. p. of corporare to shape into a body, fr. corpus body. See {Corpse}.] 1. Formed into a body by legal enactment; united in an association, and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corporate — adjective Etymology: Latin corporatus, past participle of corporare to make into a body, from corpor , corpus Date: 1512 1. a. formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual ; incorporated b. of or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
corporate — corporately, adv. corporateness, n. /kawr peuhr it, prit/, adj. 1. of, for, or belonging to a corporation or corporations: a corporate executive; She considers the new federal subsidy just corporate welfare. 2. forming a corporation. 3.… … Universalium
incorporation — SYN: identification. [L. in , in, + corporare, pp. corporatus, to make into a body] * * * in·cor·po·ra·tion in .kȯr pə rā shən n 1) the process of taking in and uniting with something esp. by chemical reaction <the incorporation of a… … Medical dictionary
corporation — (kor po ra sion ; en poésie, de cinq syllabes) s. f. Réunion de personnes qui forment un corps ayant des règlements, des droits ou priviléges particuliers. Association d ouvriers unis par des droits et des devoirs réciproques. Les corporations … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Corporation — Cor|po|ra|tion [kɔ:pə reiʃn] die; , s <aus engl. corporation »Körperschaft«, dies aus gleichbed. spätlat. corporatio zu lat. corporatus, Part. Perf. von corporare »zum Körper werden«> Kapitalgesellschaft amerikanischen Rechts … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
ՄԱՐՄՆԱՒՈՐ — (ի, աց.) NBH 2 0229 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 6c, 7c, 8c, 10c ա. σαρκικός, σάρκινος, ἑνσάρκος , σωματικός, σωμάτινος, ἑνσώματος carnalis, carneus, corporalis, corporeus եւ incarnatus, corporatus Ունօղ զմարմին.… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
corporate — (adj.) early 15c., united in one body, from L. corporatus, pp. of corporare form into a body, from corpus (gen. corporis) body (see CORPOREAL (Cf. corporeal)) … Etymology dictionary
CORPOR — corporati, corporatus, corporibus, corporis … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions