
ūs m. [ convenio ]
1) сходка, собрание, заседание (civium C); сборище (conventūs nocturni conjurationesque Su)
2) заседание, тж. союзное собрание, союзный совет (Achaici concilii L)
3) общество
in conventu maximo C — в присутствии всех
4) население (Syracusarum C)
5) собрание для решения судебных дел (в провинции)
conventum agere Just, Su — слушать и решать судебные дела (чинить суд и расправу)
6) судебный округ (c. Cordubensis PM)
7) община (колония, корпорация) римских граждан в провинциальном городе (c. Syracusanus C)
8) встреча, сближение (stellarum Sen; primordiorum Lcr)
9) редко соглашение (= conventum)
ex conventu C — по соглашению

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "conventus" в других словарях:

  • Conventus — juridici Un conventus juridici est, dans l organisation territoriale de l Empire romain, une subdivision de certaines provinces, comme la Dalmatie ou l Hispanie ou l Asie. Cette subdivision est le siège d une cour de justice. Lien externe (es)… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Conventus — (lat.), so v. w. Convent …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Conventus — (lat.), s. Konvent …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • conventus — index assembly, collection (assembly), compact, congregation, meeting (conference), session …   Law dictionary

  • Conventus — En latín un conventus significa asamblea o reunión, y con esta palabra se designaba a las reuniones conjuntas de romanos e indígenas, que aconsejaban al gobernador en la administración de justicia. Estas reuniones se realizaban en diversas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • conventus — /kanventas/ A coming together; a convention or assembly. Conventus magnatum vel procerum (the assembly of chief men or peers) was one of the names of the English parliament. 1 Bl.Comm. 148. In the civil law, the term meant a gathering together of …   Black's law dictionary

  • conventus — /kanventas/ A coming together; a convention or assembly. Conventus magnatum vel procerum (the assembly of chief men or peers) was one of the names of the English parliament. 1 Bl.Comm. 148. In the civil law, the term meant a gathering together of …   Black's law dictionary

  • Conventus Bracarensis — Map of the Conventus bracarensis in Gallaecia.3th 4th centuries. The Conventus bracarensis (conventus iuridicus of Bracara Augusta), was a Roman administrative unit located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in Gallaecia. Its name derives …   Wikipedia

  • Conventus lucensis — Map of the Conventus lucensis in Gallaecia.3th 4th centuries The Conventus lucensis (conventus iuridicus of Lucus Augusti), was a Roman administrative unit located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in Gallaecia. Its name derives from its …   Wikipedia

  • Conventus juridici — Un conventus juridici est, dans l organisation territoriale de l Empire romain, une subdivision de certaines provinces, comme la Dalmatie ou l Hispanie ou l Asie. Cette subdivision est le siège d une cour de justice. Lien externe (es) [PDF] …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Conventus iuridicus — In Ancient Rome territorial organization, a conventus iuridicus was the capital city of a subdivision of some provinces (Dalmatia, Spain, Asia) with functions of seat of a district court of justice and maybe others. External links (Spanish)… …   Wikipedia

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