- Error juris
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Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
error juris — An error or mistake of law; ignorance of law … Ballentine's law dictionary
error juris nocet — /ehrar jiiras nosat/ Error of law injures. A mistake of the law has an injurious effect; that is, the party committing it must suffer the consequences … Black's law dictionary
error juris nocet — /ehrar jiiras nosat/ Error of law injures. A mistake of the law has an injurious effect; that is, the party committing it must suffer the consequences … Black's law dictionary
Error juris nocet — An error of law works an injury … Ballentine's law dictionary
error — er·ror n: an act that through ignorance, deficiency, or accident departs from or fails to achieve what should be done procedural error s; esp: a mistake made by a lower court in conducting judicial proceedings or making findings in a case to… … Law dictionary
de fide et officio judicis non recipitur quaestio, sed de scientia, sive sit error juris, sive facti — /diy faydiy et afishiyow juwdasas non rasipatsr kwes(h)t(iy)ow, sed diy sayensh(iy)a, sayviy sit ehrar jiiras sayviy fcektay/ Concerning the fidelity and official conduct of a judge, no question is [will be] entertained; but [only] concerning his … Black's law dictionary
de fide et officio judicis non recipitur quaestio, sed de scientia, sive sit error juris, sive facti — /diy faydiy et afishiyow juwdasas non rasipatsr kwes(h)t(iy)ow, sed diy sayensh(iy)a, sayviy sit ehrar jiiras sayviy fcektay/ Concerning the fidelity and official conduct of a judge, no question is [will be] entertained; but [only] concerning his … Black's law dictionary
De fide et officio judicis non recipitur quaestio sed de scientia, sive sit error juris, sive facti — The good faith and honesty of a judge are not questioned, but his knowledge, whether it be in error of law or fact, may be … Ballentine's law dictionary
Error — • Reduplicatively regarded, is in one way or another the product of ignorance. But besides the lack of information which it implies, it adds the positive element of a mental judgment, by which something false is held to be true, or something true … Catholic encyclopedia
Error — (lat.), Irrtum, Fehler, Versehen; e. calculi oder in calculo, Rechnungsfehler; e. facti, ein eine Tatsache betreffender (tatsächlicher) Irrtum; e. juris, Rechtsirrtum; e. juris nocet, e. facti non nocet, Rechtsirrtum schadet, tatsächlicher Irrtum … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Error — (lat.), Irrthum. E. calcŭli (E. in calculo), Irrthum in einer Rechnung; E. facti, thatsächlicher, d.h. eine Thatsache betreffender Irrthum; E. juris, Rechtsfehler, Irrthum in einem Rechtssatze; E. loci, nach Boerhave die widernatürliche Ergießung … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon