- Jus privatum
- частное право
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
jus privatum — jus pri·va·tum / prə vā təm, prī ; prē vä təm/ n [New Latin, from Latin, private law or right]: a right of private ownership compare jus publicum Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Jus privātum — (lat.), Privatrecht … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
jus privatum — /jas praveytam/ Private law; the law regulating the rights, conduct, and affairs of individuals, as distinguished from public law, which relates to the constitution and functions of government and the administration of criminal justice. The right … Black's law dictionary
jus privatum — /jas praveytam/ Private law; the law regulating the rights, conduct, and affairs of individuals, as distinguished from public law, which relates to the constitution and functions of government and the administration of criminal justice. The right … Black's law dictionary
jus privatum — A private right. Any right held by the king of England in his individual capacity was known as jus privatum. Any right which he held in a representative capacity was known as jus publicum, a public right. Lewis Blue Point Oyster Cultivation Co. v … Ballentine's law dictionary
jus publicum — /jas pablakam/ Public law, or the law relating to the constitution and functions of government and its officers and the administration of criminal justice. Also public ownership, or the paramount or sovereign territorial right or title of the… … Black's law dictionary
jus publicum — /jas pablakam/ Public law, or the law relating to the constitution and functions of government and its officers and the administration of criminal justice. Also public ownership, or the paramount or sovereign territorial right or title of the… … Black's law dictionary
Jus — 1Jus [ju:s] das; , Jura <aus gleichbed. lat. ius, Gen. iuris »Recht«, vgl. 1↑Jura> Recht, Rechtswissenschaft; Jus ad R′em: Recht auf die Sache (Eigentums , Nutzungsanspruch); Jus aequum [ ɛkvuum]: billiges Recht (Recht, das für… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
jus gentium — /jus jen shee euhm/, Roman Law. See under jus civile. [1540 50; < L: law of the nations] * * * ▪ Roman law (Latin: “law of nations”), in legal theory, that law which natural reason establishes for all men, as distinguished from jus civile,… … Universalium
jus gentium — /jas jensh(iy)am/ The law of nations. That law which natural reason has established among all men is equally observed among all nations, and is called the law of nations, as being the law which all nations use. Although this phrase had a meaning… … Black's law dictionary
jus gentium — /jas jensh(iy)am/ The law of nations. That law which natural reason has established among all men is equally observed among all nations, and is called the law of nations, as being the law which all nations use. Although this phrase had a meaning… … Black's law dictionary