- Copia verborum
- многословие
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
copia verborum — /kōˈpi ə vûr bōˈrəm or kōˈpi a ver bōˈrŭm, also wer / (Latin) Plenty of words, fluency, prolixity … Useful english dictionary
Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style — (Latin: De Utraque Verborum ac Rerum Copia) is a rhetorical guide written by Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus in 1512. It is Erasmus systematic instruction on how to embellish, amplify, and give variety to speech and writing. Written as both a… … Wikipedia
copia rerum, verborum, figurarum — (loc.s.f.) Rappresenta l insieme delle idee adatte al discorso, delle parole e delle figure retoriche delle quali si avvale l oratore per la composizione e/o esposizione del suo discorso retorico ai fini della persuasione del ricevente dello… … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
Coram publico — Lateinische Phrasen A B C D E F G H I L M N O P … Deutsch Wikipedia
verbum — (s.m.) È l aspetto significante, la formulazione linguistica delle idee (res). Se le idee a tra cui può scegliere l oratore costituiscono la copia rerum, le formulazioni linguistiche sono a disposizione nella copia verborum. Le forme… … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
Speech — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Speech >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 speech speech faculty of speech Sgm: N 1 locution locution talk parlance verbal intercourse prolation oral communication word of mouth parole palaver prattle … English dictionary for students
Loquacity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Loquacity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 loquacity loquacity loquaciousness Sgm: N 1 talkativeness talkativeness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 garrulity garrulity Sgm: N 1 multiloquence multiloquence much speaking GRP … English dictionary for students
Rhetoric — This article is about the art of rhetoric in general. For the work by Aristotle, see Rhetoric (Aristotle). Painting depicting a lecture in a knight academy, painted by Pieter Isaacsz or Reinhold Timm for Rosenborg Castle as part of a series of… … Wikipedia
abondance — Abondance, f. penac. Abundantia, Affluentia, Copia. Abondance de droit, Copia causae. Abondance de lait, Vbertas lactis. Grande abondance de fueilles, Luxuria foliorum. Grande abondance de paroles, ou de langage, Flumen, Copia verborum. Avoir… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Stock character — A stock character is one which relies heavily on cultural types or names for his or her personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics. In their most general form, stock characters are related to literary archetypes, but they are often… … Wikipedia
Стесихор — (Στησίχορος, Stesichorus) древнегреческий поэт, представитель хорической медики, уроженец сицилийского города Гимеры (по другим локрийского Матавра); жил во второй половине VII и первой половине VI в. до Р. Хр. (умер около 1556 г. до Р. Хр.). По… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона