Vis major — ( IPA|/vɪs meɪdʒɚ/), in Latin means ‘a superior force’ It means a greater or superior force; an irresistible force; It may be a loss that results immediately from a natural cause that could not have been prevented by the exercise of prudence,… … Wikipedia
vis major — / vis mā jər/ n [Latin, literally, greater force]: an overwhelming force; also: act of god Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Vis major — Vis ma jor [L. major greater.] (Law) A superior force which under certain circumstances is held to exempt from contract obligations; inevitable accident; a civil law term used as nearly equivalent to, but broader than, the common law term {act of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vis major — /vis may jeuhr/, pl. vires majores /vuy reez meuh jawr eez, jor /, Law. See force majeure. [1595 1605; < L vis major greater force] * * * … Universalium
vis major — [vis mā′jər] n. [L, greater force] ACT OF GOD … English World dictionary
Vis mājor — (lat.), »höhere Gewalt« (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Vis major — (lat.), s. Höhere Gewalt … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Vis Major — A Latin term meaning act of God , or an occurrence that is neither caused by nor preventable by humans. In commercial contracts, vis major can also apply to actions undertaken by third parties that neither party to the contract can control, such… … Investment dictionary
vis major — noun a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God • Syn: ↑act of God, ↑force majeure, ↑inevitable accident, ↑unavoidable casualty • Hypernyms … Useful english dictionary
vis major — A higher force; an irresistible force. An event which cannot be definitely foreseen or controlled. Krause v Board of School Trustees, 162 Ind 278, 284, 70 NE 264. The Latin expression vis major, or force majeure, is not exactly the equivalent of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Vis major — Vis ma|jor 〈[vıs ] f.; ; unz.〉 höhere Gewalt [<lat. vis „Macht, Gewalt“ + major, Komp. von magnus „groß, hoch“] * * * Vis ma|jor, die; [lat.] (Rechtsspr.): höhere Gewalt ↑ (Gewalt 3). * * * Vis ma|jor … Universal-Lexikon