rectus in curia — /rektas in kyuriya/ Lat. Right in court. The condition of one who stands at the bar, against whom no one objects any offense. When a person outlawed has reversed his outlawry, so that he can have the benefit of the law, he is said to be rectus in … Black's law dictionary
rectus in curia — Right in court; in good standing in the eyes of the court. Exonerated. Union Bank v Powell s Heirs, 3 Fla 175 … Ballentine's law dictionary
rectus in curia — inˈkyu̇rēə adjective (or adverb) Etymology: New Latin : upright in the court : free from charge or impeachment : competent to participate in litigation and entitled to the benefit of law see legalis homo … Useful english dictionary
Innocence — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Innocence >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 innocence innocence Sgm: N 1 guiltlessness guiltlessness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 incorruption incorruption impeccability GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 clean hands clean hands … English dictionary for students
legalis homo — /bgeybs howmow/ A lawful man; a person who stands rectus in curia; a person not outlawed, excommunicated, or infamous. It occurs in the phrase, probi et legates homines (good and lawful men, competent jurors), and legality designates the… … Black's law dictionary
legalis homo — /bgeybs howmow/ A lawful man; a person who stands rectus in curia; a person not outlawed, excommunicated, or infamous. It occurs in the phrase, probi et legates homines (good and lawful men, competent jurors), and legality designates the… … Black's law dictionary
right — As a noun, and taken in an abstract sense, means justice, ethical correctness, or consonance with the rules of law or the principles of morals. In this signification it answers to one meaning of the Latin jus, and serves to indicate law in the… … Black's law dictionary
Jean de Watteville — (1613 1702) fut un militaire et ecclésiastique franc comtois. Né à Besançon, ville qui dépendait alors de l Espagne, il fut d abord militaire. Suite à un duel où il tua un gentilhomme espagnol au service de la Reine d Espagne, il fut obligé de… … Wikipédia en Français
Liste lateinischer Lehn- und Fremdwörter im Deutschen — Die Liste lateinischer Lehn und Fremdwörter im Deutschen ist eine Liste mit deutschen Begriffen, die ihren Ursprung im Latein haben. Im Alltagsbereich finden sich deutsche Wörter mit lateinischen Wurzeln überwiegend bei den Begriffen, die vom… … Deutsch Wikipedia
droict — Droict, m. Directus, Il vient de Directus, en ostant cette lettre, i. vous aurez drect, comme encore aujourd huy plusieurs prononcent: Le contraire est courbe. Droict aussi est, Raison, qui est deuë à chacun, Ius. comme, Rendre et faire droict à… … Thresor de la langue françoyse