nominé — nominé, ée [ nɔmine ] adj. • 1978; de l angl. nominee « personne désignée » ♦ Anglic. Dont on a cité le nom, le titre, pour être digne d un prix (en parlant d une personne, d une œuvre). Trois films nominés aux Oscars. N. Les nominés sont...… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nomĭne — (lat.), 1) im Namen (eines Andern) od. in der Eigenschaft, als z.B. N. curatorio, als Vormund; N. mandatario, in erhaltener Vollmacht; 2) bei Lebensversicherungen die Person, auf deren Leben die Rente festgesetzt ist … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Nomĭne — (lat.), im Namen oder in der Eigenschaft (eines andern), z. B. curatorio n., als Vormund; n. mandatario, nach erhaltener Vollmacht; n. proprio, in eignem Namen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
nomine — index nominal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
nomine — See eo nomine … Ballentine's law dictionary
nomine poenae — /nomaniy piyniy/ In the name of a penalty. In the civil law, a legacy was said to be left nomine paense where it was left for the purpose of coercing the heir to do or not to do something. The term has also been applied, in English law, to some… … Black's law dictionary
nomine poenae — /nomaniy piyniy/ In the name of a penalty. In the civil law, a legacy was said to be left nomine paense where it was left for the purpose of coercing the heir to do or not to do something. The term has also been applied, in English law, to some… … Black's law dictionary
nomine — /nomaniy/ By name; by the name of; under the name or designation of … Black's law dictionary
nomine — /nomaniy/ By name; by the name of; under the name or designation of … Black's law dictionary
nomine — a long speech. Lane … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
nomine damni — Under the name or designation of damages … Ballentine's law dictionary