Jus naturāle — (lat.), Naturrecht; bei den Römern gleichbedeutend mit Jus gentium (s. d.); außerdem von den Römern zur Bezeichnung weniger eines Rechts als des bei allen Lebewesen wahrnehmbaren Naturzustandes verwendet und in dieser Verwendung ohne juristische… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
jus naturale — (jus natch ray lee) Latin for natural law. This is a system of legal principles ostensibly derived from universal divine truths. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill.… … Law dictionary
jus naturale — /jas naetyareyliy/ The natural law, or law of nature; law, or legal principles, supposed to be discoverable by the light of nature or abstract reasoning, or to be taught by nature to all nations and men alike; or law supposed to govern men and… … Black's law dictionary
jus naturale — /jas naetyareyliy/ The natural law, or law of nature; law, or legal principles, supposed to be discoverable by the light of nature or abstract reasoning, or to be taught by nature to all nations and men alike; or law supposed to govern men and… … Black's law dictionary
jus naturale — ˌnachəˈra(ˌ)lē, rā( , rä( noun Etymology: Latin : natural law * * * /jus nach euh ray lee, nat yoo /, Roman Law. See under jus civile. Also, jus naturae /jus nach euh ree , nat yoo / … Useful english dictionary
jus naturale — /jus nach euh ray lee, nat yoo /, Roman Law. See under jus civile. Also, jus naturae /jus nach euh ree , nat yoo /. [ < L: natural law] * * * … Universalium
Jus naturale — Jus na|tu|ra|le, das; [lat., zu: ius (↑ 1Jus) u. naturalis, ↑ Naturalien]: Naturrecht. * * * Jus na|tu|ra|le, das; [lat., zu: ius (1↑Jus) u. naturalis, ↑Naturalien]: Naturrecht … Universal-Lexikon
jus naturale — Natural law; law the principles of which accord with natural reason … Ballentine's law dictionary
jus naturale est quod apud homines eandem habet potentiam — /jas naetyareyliy est kwod aepad homaniyz iyaendam heybat patensh(iy)am/ Natural right is that which has the same force among all mankind … Black's law dictionary
jus naturale est quod apud homines eandem habet potentiam — /jas naetyareyliy est kwod aepad homaniyz iyaendam heybat patensh(iy)am/ Natural right is that which has the same force among all mankind … Black's law dictionary
Jus naturale est quod spud homines eandem habet potentiam — Natural law is the law which has the same power among all mankind … Ballentine's law dictionary