Honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere

Honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere
Честно жить, не делать зла другим, каждому воздавать свое.
Еще римляне сводили все юридические обязанности к трем: honeste vive, neminem laede, suum cuique tribue. (В. Д. Спасович, Дело о злоупотреблениях в Московском коммерческом ссудном банке.)

Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. . 1982.

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Смотреть что такое "Honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere" в других словарях:

  • Juris praecepta sunt haec, honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere — The precepts of the law are these, to live honestly, not to injure another, and to give to each one his due …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Suum Cuique — Stern des Schwarzen Adlerordens Tor des KZ Buchenwald. Jedem das Seine, lateinisch suum cuique, ist einer der klassischen Grundsätze des Rechts. In …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Suum cuique — Stern des Schwarzen Adlerordens Tor des KZ Buchenwald. Jedem das Seine, lateinisch suum cuique, ist einer der klassischen Grundsätze des Rechts. In …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • alterum non laedere — /oltaram non liydariy/ Not to injure another. This maxim, and two others, honeste vivere, and suum cuique tribuere, (q.v.) are considered by Justinian as fundamental principles upon which all the rules of law are based …   Black's law dictionary

  • alterum non laedere — /oltaram non liydariy/ Not to injure another. This maxim, and two others, honeste vivere, and suum cuique tribuere, (q.v.) are considered by Justinian as fundamental principles upon which all the rules of law are based …   Black's law dictionary

  • honeste vivere — /(h)anestiy vivariy/ To live honorably, creditably, or virtuously. One of the three general precepts to which Justinian reduced the whole doctrine of the law, the others being alterum non laedere (not to injure others), and suum cuique tribuere… …   Black's law dictionary

  • honeste vivere — /(h)anestiy vivariy/ To live honorably, creditably, or virtuously. One of the three general precepts to which Justinian reduced the whole doctrine of the law, the others being alterum non laedere (not to injure others), and suum cuique tribuere… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Liste de locutions latines — Cet article contient une liste de locutions latines présentée par ordre alphabétique. Pour des explications morphologiques et linguistiques générales, consulter l article : Expression latine. Sommaire  A   B … …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ulpian — Born c. 170 Died 223 Nationality Roman Occupation jurist Gnaeus Domitius Annius Ulpianus (c. 170 – 223), anglicized as …   Wikipedia

  • Jedem das seine — Stern des Schwarzen Adlerordens Tor des KZ Buchenwald. Jedem das Seine, lateinisch suum cuique, ist einer der klassischen Grundsätze des Rechts. In d …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Список латинских фраз — В Викицитатнике есть страница по теме Латинские пословицы Во многих языках мира, в том числе в …   Википедия

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