- calcatrippa
см. calcatreppa
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
caltrop — also calthrop noun Etymology: Middle English caltrappe, alteration of calketrappe star thistle, from Old English calcatrippe, from Medieval Latin calcatrippa Date: 15th century 1. a. plural but singular or pl … New Collegiate Dictionary
caltrop — [ kaltrəp] (also caltrap) noun 1》 a spiked metal ball thrown on the ground to impede wheeled vehicles or (formerly) cavalry horses. 2》 a creeping plant with woody carpels that typically have hard spines. [Genus Tribulus.] 3》 (also water caltrop)… … English new terms dictionary
caltrop — [kal′trəp, kal′träp΄] n. [ME calketrappe < OE calcatrippe, star thistle & OFr chaucetrape, both < ML calcatrippa < L calcare, to tread upon (< calx, heel: see CALCAR) + Gmc * trippon, TRIP] 1. an iron device with four spikes, placed… … English World dictionary
caltrop — n. (also caltrap) 1 hist. a four spiked iron ball thrown on the ground to impede cavalry horses. 2 Heraldry a representation of this. 3 any creeping plant of the genus Tribulus, with woody carpels usu. having hard spines. Etymology: (sense 3) OE… … Useful english dictionary
cal|trap — cal|trop or cal|trap «KAL truhp», noun. Now often caltrops. 1. any one of various plants having pointed, spiny flower heads or fruit; a) = star thistle. (Cf. ↑star thistle) b) any plant of various herbs of South Europe having spiny seeds. c) =… … Useful english dictionary
cal|trop — or cal|trap «KAL truhp», noun. Now often caltrops. 1. any one of various plants having pointed, spiny flower heads or fruit; a) = star thistle. (Cf. ↑star thistle) b) any plant of various herbs of South Europe having spiny seeds. c) = water… … Useful english dictionary