Смотреть что такое "CAI" в других словарях:
Cai Fu — Water Margin character Nickname Iron Arm (鐵臂膊) Rank 94th, Level Star (地平星) of the 72 Earthly Fiends Chief executioner of Liangshan Origin Prison warden and executioner Hometown … Wikipedia
Cai E — oder Tsai Ao (chinesisch 蔡鍔 / 蔡锷 Cài È, W. G. Ts ai O; Geburtsname 艮寅 Gěnyín, W. G. Ken yin; Zì … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cai E — or Tsai Ao (zh tspw|t=蔡鍔|s=蔡锷|p=Cài È|w=Ts ai O; 18 December 1882 ndash; 8 November 1916) was a Chinese revolutionary leader and warlord. He was born Cai Genyin (蔡艮寅 Cài Gěnyín ) in Shaoyang, Hunan Province and his courtesy name was Songpo (松坡… … Wikipedia
Cai Wu — (Chinese language:蔡武; Hanyu Pinyin:Cài Wǔ; born October 1949) is the current head of the Ministry of Culture of the People s Republic of China. BiographyHe is originally from the Chinese province of Gansu. During the Cultural Revolution, Cai was… … Wikipedia
Cai — can refer to: Cai (surname), a common Chinese surname Cai (state), a state in ancient China Caí River, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Cái River, Vietnam Sir Kay, a character in Arthurian legend, spelt Cai in Welsh A green, leafy Chinese vegetable… … Wikipedia
căi — CĂÍ, căiesc, vb. IV. refl. A i părea cuiva rău, a regreta, a recunoaşte că a greşit. ♦ tranz. (Rar) A compătimi pe cineva; a căina. – Din sl. kajati sen. Trimis de valeriu, 03.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 CĂÍ vb. 1. a se pocăi, a regreta, (reg.) a se … Dicționar Român
CAI — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El acrónimo CAI puede referirse a: La Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada de Aragón, caja de ahorros aragonesa con sede en Zaragoza; Basket Zaragoza 2002, equipo de baloncesto fundado en 2002 y patrocinado por la misma… … Wikipedia Español
CAI — 〈EDV; Abk. für engl.〉 1. Computer Aided Instruction (computerunterstützter Unterricht); →a. CAL 2. Computer Aided Industry (computerunterstützter Industriebetrieb) * * * I CAI [Abk. für Computer Aided … Universal-Lexikon
Cai — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
çai — adv. de l. ici. çai sota, çai subre, çai jonch : ci dessous, ci dessus, ci joint … Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
Cai Qi — (Chinese language: 蔡奇; Hanyu Pinyin: Cài Qí) (b. 1955) is a former deputy Party secretary and mayor of Hangzhou city in Zhejiang province of the People s Republic of China, a member of the Standing Committee of the People s Government of Zhejiang … Wikipedia