- cabl.
сокр. от cablogrammaтелеграмма; каблограмма
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
CABL — Consolidation of Administration at Battalion Level (Governmental » Military) … Abbreviations dictionary
Clive Ng — (born 1962, Malaysia) is a media sector financier and executive. He has focused primarily on Asian business opportunities and has been instrumental in several joint venture partnerships between American companies and Asian firms, particularly… … Wikipedia
Nairobi Stock Exchange — The Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) is the principal stock exchange of Kenya. It began in 1954 as an oversees stock exchange while Kenya was still a British colony with permission of the London Stock Exchange. The NSE is a member of the African… … Wikipedia
Central Australian Basketball League — The Central Australian Basketball League (Central ABL) is the South Australian conference of the Australian Basketball Association (ABA). The Central ABL is used as a development league for the Adelaide teams competing in the NBL and the Women s… … Wikipedia
BIN1 — Bridging integrator 1, also known as BIN1, is a human gene. PBB Summary section title = summary text = This gene encodes several isoforms of a nucleocytoplasmic adaptor protein, one of which was initially identified as a MYC interacting protein… … Wikipedia
Cassini-Huygens — Künstlerische Darstellung von Cassini (große Sonde) und Huygens (links) vor Titan (Vordergrund) und Saturn (Hintergrund) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cablín — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cablín Eslogan El Canal Infantil Tipo Televisora de cable Programación Infantil Juvenil Propietario … Wikipedia Español
mécontentement — (mé kon tan te man) s. m. 1° Manque de contentement. • Aimant mieux étouffer leurs mécontentements Que d en faire à leur dam des éclaircissements, TRISTAN Panthée, III, 1. • Curiosité [de savoir l avenir] qui marque fortement le… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Kabul — 1 Original name in latin Kabul Name in other language Cabool, Caboul, Cabul, Cabul kabl, Cabul Cabura, Cabl, Caubul, Gorad Kabul, KBL, Kabil, Kaboel, Kabol, Kaboul, Kabul, Kabula, Kabulas, Kabuli, Kabulo, Kabura, Kabl, Kabl, Kampoul, Kobul, Kubha … Cities with a population over 1000 database
cabla — CABLÁ, cablez. vb. I. tranz. 1. A confecţiona un cablu prin răsucirea sau împletirea firelor în mănunchiuri şi unirea mănunchiurilor între ele. 2. A aşeza, a instala cabluri de telecomunicaţii. ♦ A face legătura (unui bloc, unei case etc.) cu un… … Dicționar Român
Carex blanda Dewey — Symbol CABL Common Name eastern woodland sedge Botanical Family Cyperaceae … Scientific plant list