- cabbal...
см. cabal...
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
List of German exonyms for places in Estonia — Below is a list of German language exonyms for towns and villages in Estonia.*Ääsmäe Essemägi *Abja Paluoja Abbia *Abrukasaar Abro *Aegna Wulf *Aegviidu Charlottenhof *Ahja Aga,Aya *Äksi Ecks *Alatskivi Allatzkivi *Albu Alp *Alu Allo *Alutaguse… … Wikipedia
Jacob van Hoogstraaten — Jacob van Hoogstraten [also Hochstraten, Hoogstratten] was a theologian and controversialist, born about 1460, in Hoogstraeten, Belgium; died in Cologne, 24 January, 1527. Education, professor He studied the classics and theology with the… … Wikipedia
Archangĕlus — Archangĕlus, A. de Burgo Novo, Scholastiker u. Franziscaner aus dem Placentinischen, in der letzten Hälfte des 16. Jahrh., trieb kabbalistische Philosophie; seine Schrift Cabbalistarum selectiora obscuraque dogmata in Pistorius Sammlung Artis… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
cabal — caballer, n. /keuh bal /, n., v., caballed, caballing. n. 1. a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority. 2. the plots and schemes of such a group; intrigue. 3. a clique, as in artistic, literary, or… … Universalium
Jacob van Hoogstraten — Jacob van Hoogstraten † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jacob van Hoogstraten (also HOCHSTRATEN) A theologian and controversialist, born about 1460, in Hoogstraeten, Belgium; died in Cologne, 24 January, 1527. He studied the classics and… … Catholic encyclopedia
cabal — /kəˈbal / (say kuh bahl), /kəˈbæl / (say kuh bal) noun 1. the secret schemes of a small group of plotters; an intrigue. 2. a small group of secret plotters. –verb (i) (caballed, caballing) 3. to form a cabal; intrigue; conspire; plot. {variant of …
cabalic — adjective Usage: often capitalized Etymology: cabala + ic obsolete : learned in cabala * * * cabalic(al, ism, ist, ize etc.: see cabbal … Useful english dictionary
cabalical — cabalic(al, ism, ist, ize etc.: see cabbal … Useful english dictionary