Смотреть что такое "busta" в других словарях:
Busta — ist der Name folgender Personen: Christine Busta (1915–1987), österreichische Lyrikerin Erwin Busta (1905 1982), deutsch österreichischer KZ Aufseher Zbyněk Busta (* 1967), tschechischer Fußballspieler und trainer Busta Rhymes (*1972), Rapper … Deutsch Wikipedia
bušta — bȕšta ž <G mn bȗštā/ ī> DEFINICIJA reg. 1. rij. omotnica, kuverta 2. platna vrećica FRAZEOLOGIJA tanka bušta nizak, skroman dohodak, mala plaća, opr. debela bušta ETIMOLOGIJA tal. busta … Hrvatski jezični portal
busta — BÚSTA adv. v. buzna. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român
busta — s.f. [dal fr. ant. boiste (mod. boîte ), lat. tardo buxis ĭdis ]. 1. [contenitore di carta in cui si chiudono lettere o altri scritti] ▶◀ ‖ custodia, involucro. 2. (region.) [contenitore di nylon o di plastica per la spesa] ▶◀ bag, borsa,… … Enciclopedia Italiana
busta — bùsta ž DEFINICIJA v. bista … Hrvatski jezični portal
busta — bù·sta s.f. AD 1. involucro quadrangolare di carta, con tre lati chiusi e un quarto con striscia gommata per consentirne la chiusura, usato per lettere, documenti e sim., spec. da inviare via posta: busta per lettera, intestata; spedire,… … Dizionario italiano
Busta — People, places, and things commonly known as Busta include: * Busta (soft drink) a line of carbonated soft drinks produced by S. M. Jaleel and Companyanus * Busta Cricket Series and Busta Cup the first class cricket competition in the West Indies … Wikipedia
busta — n a key term from the rap and hip hop lexi con, defined in 2000 as a man who thinks he is the best but is in fact the opposite What a busta, I can t believe he thought he could hit on me! … Contemporary slang
busta — n. a punk; a jerk. (From the nickname buster.) □ Yo, Busta! Tsup? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Busta Flex — Nom Valéry François Naissance 30 septembre 1977 (1977 09 30) (34 ans) Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Busta Flex (Album) — Busta Flex Album par Busta Flex Sortie 1998 Genre(s) Rap Producteur(s) Kool Shen (éxecutif), Zoxeakopat, Sully Sefil, Sulee B Wax, DJ Mars, DJ Spank et JoeyS … Wikipédia en Français