
см. boccola, buccolo

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "buccola" в других словарях:

  • buccola — / buk:ola/ s.f. [dal fr. boucle, lat. buccŭla ]. 1. (mecc.) [oggetto metallico tondeggiante] ▶◀ anello, boccola, borchia. 2. (non com.) [ricciolo di capelli] ▶◀ boccolo, (non com.) buccolo …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • buccola — bùc·co·la s.f. 1. CO orecchino, spec. pendente 2. BU ricciolo, boccolo 3. TS tipogr. nella scrittura corsiva, l asta lunga di alcune lettere come b, l, ecc. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1739. ETIMO: dal fr. boucle, v. anche boccola …   Dizionario italiano

  • buccola — {{hw}}{{buccola}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Orecchino. 2 Ricciolo di capelli …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • buccola — pl.f. buccole …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • buccola — s. f. 1. orecchino, pendente 2. ciocca, ricciolo, boccolo …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Patriarca crime family — Named after Raymond Patriarca Sr. In Boston, Massachusetts, Providence, Rhode Island Founded by Gaspare Messina Years active 1916–present …   Wikipedia

  • Apalachin Meeting — The Apalachin Meeting was a historic summit of the American Mafia held on November 14, 1957 at the home of mobster Joseph Joe the Barber Barbara in Apalachin, New York. It was attended by roughly 100 mafia crime bosses from the United States,… …   Wikipedia

  • Los Angeles crime family — Joseph Ardizzone was the first Boss of the Los Angeles family. In Los Angeles, California Founded by Joseph Ardizzone Years active c. 1900–present …   Wikipedia

  • Atlantic City Conference — The Atlantic City Conference of 1929 is considered by most crime historians as the earliest organized crime summit held in the United States and held a major impact on the future direction of the underworld, it held more importance and… …   Wikipedia

  • Julia Petta — Julia Buccola Petta (1892 1921) was a housewife who became known following her death as The Italian Bride. She was the daughter of Filomena Buccola. She died at the age of 29 in 1921 while giving birth.Following her death, Petta was buried at… …   Wikipedia

  • American Mafia crime families — Mafia Crime Families=New York CityGenovese Crime Family(Due to the secretive nature of the organization, this list is based on generally accepted names and dates but may not be accurate; originally known as the Morello crime family) * 1892… …   Wikipedia

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