
жестянка, консервная банка

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "buatta" в других словарях:

  • Interior decoration — or decor is the art of decorating a room so that it is attractive, easy to use, and functions well with the existing architecture. The goal of interior decoration is to provide a certain feel for the room; it encompasses applying wallpaper, wall… …   Wikipedia

  • Architectural Digest — is a glossy American monthly magazine. Its principal subject is interior design, not as the name of the magazine might suggest architecture more generally. The magazine is published by Condé Nast Publications and was founded in 1920… …   Wikipedia

  • barattolo — /ba rat:olo/ s.m. [etimo incerto]. [contenitore generalmente cilindrico per riporvi alimenti o oggetti vari e, per estens., anche il suo contenuto] ▶◀ (region.) buatta, scatoletta, [metallico] lattina, [per lo più di vetro e per conservare… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • lattina — s.f. [dim. di latta ]. [piccolo recipiente di latta, usato per contenere sostanze liquide: bibite in l. ] ▶◀ (region.) buatta, scatoletta. ‖ barattolo. [⍈ cassa] …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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