brain trust
Смотреть что такое "brain trust" в других словарях:
brain-trust — [ brɛntrɶst ] n. m. • 1933; angl. amér. brain trust « trust du cerveau », nom donné à l équipe d intellectuels et de professeurs dont s entoura F. Roosevelt ♦ Anglic. Petite équipe d experts, de techniciens, etc., qui assiste une direction. Des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Brain-Trust — Brain|trust, Brain Trust [ breɪntrʌst], der; s, s [engl. amerik. brain trust, aus: brain = Gehirn u. ↑ Trust]: beratender Ausschuss (bes. in Wirtschaft u. Politik); Expertengruppe. * * * Brain|trust [ breɪntrʌst], (auch:) Brain Trust, der; [s], s … Universal-Lexikon
brain trust — occasionally used since early 1900s, it became current in 1933, in reference to the intellectuals gathered by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt as advisors; from BRAIN (Cf. brain) (n.) + TRUST (Cf. trust) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
brain trust — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} gruppo di consulenti altamente qualificati in un settore specifico | gruppo di scienziati o tecnici che lavorano a un progetto comune Sinonimi: trust di cervelli. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1935. ETIMO: comp. di … Dizionario italiano
brain-trust — /breinˈtrast, ingl. ˈbreɪnˌtrʌst/ [vc. ingl. d America «trust di cervelli (brain)»] loc. sost. m. inv. trust di cervelli, gruppo di esperti, équipe (fr.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
brain trust — (izg. brȇjn trȁst) m DEFINICIJA sociol. najkompetentniji stručnjaci oko nekog pitanja, problema ili zadatka, trust mozgova ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
brain trust — brain ,trust noun count AMERICAN a group of experts who advise an organization or government … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
brain trust — brain′ trust n. a group of experts who act as unofficial consultants on matters of policy and strategy • Etymology: 1905–10, amer … From formal English to slang
brain trust — ☆ brain trust n. a group of experts unofficially acting as administrative advisers … English World dictionary
Brain Trust — The term brains trust (originally plural, the s was later dropped) was first coined in 1901 and used in a sarcastic sense in reference to the first American general staff of the U.S. President. In 1932, New York Times writer James M. Kiernan… … Wikipedia
Brain Trust — Le Brain Trust, ou Brains Trust, est le nom donné au groupe d économistes, d universitaires qui conseillait le Président américain Franklin D. Roosevelt pendant le New Deal, dans les années 1930. Ces hommes jouèrent un rôle important dans les… … Wikipédia en Français