- boragine
= boraggineсм. borragine
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
boragine — /bo radʒine/ (o borragine o borraggine) s.f. [dal lat. mediev. borago (o borrago ) ginis ]. (bot.) [pianta erbacea della famiglia boraginacee] ▶◀ (region.) borrana … Enciclopedia Italiana
boragine — bo·rà·gi·ne s.f. var. → borragine … Dizionario italiano
Martinus Gosia — was one of the glossators and a 12th century Italian jurist, counted among the Four Doctors of Bologna, the others being Bulgarus, Hugo de Porta Ravennate and Jacobus de Boragine. Martinus Gosia and Bulgarus were the chiefs of two opposite… … Wikipedia
Bulgarus — was a twelfth century Italian jurist, born at Bologna. He is sometimes erroneously called Bulgarinus, which was properly the name of a jurist of the 15th century. Bulgarus was the most celebrated of the famous Four Doctors of the law school of… … Wikipedia
Bentham & Hooker system — An early taxonomic system, the Bentham Hooker system for seed plants was published in ::cite book|author = G. Bentham J.D. Hooker|year = three volumes, 1862–1883|title = Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata… … Wikipedia
Dominium mundi — is an idea of universal dominion developed in the Middle Ages. Inspired by the memory of the Roman Empire, dominium mundi implied the recognition of one supreme authority, which generated a prolonged political and spiritual struggle between… … Wikipedia
Four Doctors of Bologna — The Four Doctors of Bologna (Latin: Quatuor Doctores ) were Italian jurists of the 12th century, based in the University of Bologna: Bulgarus, Martinus Gosia, Jacobus de Boragine and Hugo de Porta Ravennate. [cite book last = Wessels first =… … Wikipedia
Classification Bentham & Hooker — Classification de Bentham et Hooker La classification Bentham Hooker pour les spermatophytes est une des plus importantes classifications botaniques du XIXe siècle. Elle fut publiée par George Bentham (1800 1884) et Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817… … Wikipédia en Français
Classification De Bentham Et Hooker — La classification Bentham Hooker pour les spermatophytes est une des plus importantes classifications botaniques du XIXe siècle. Elle fut publiée par George Bentham (1800 1884) et Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 1911) en 3 volumes de 1862 à 1883 sous… … Wikipédia en Français
Classification de bentham et hooker — La classification Bentham Hooker pour les spermatophytes est une des plus importantes classifications botaniques du XIXe siècle. Elle fut publiée par George Bentham (1800 1884) et Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 1911) en 3 volumes de 1862 à 1883 sous… … Wikipédia en Français
Renaissance du 12e siècle — Renaissance du XIIe siècle La renaissance du XIIe siècle est une période majeure de renouveau du monde culturel au Moyen Âge, mise en évidence par les travaux des historiens Charles H. Haskins, Jacques Le Goff ou encore Jacques Verger.… … Wikipédia en Français