Смотреть что такое "bolognese" в других словарях:
Bolognese — is someone or something from the city of Bologna. It can refer to:*Bolognese sauce *Bolognese (dog) *Bolognese dialect, a language that is often considered a dialect of Italian for political reasons but is historically quite different from… … Wikipedia
Bolognese — Bo*lo gnese , a. Of or pertaining to Bologna. n. A native of Bologna. [1913 Webster] {Bolognese school} (Paint.), a school of painting founded by the Carracci, otherwise called the Lombard or Eclectic school, the object of which was to unite the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bolognese — /bolo ɲeze/ [dal nome della città di Bologna]. ■ agg. [di Bologna] ▶◀ felsineo, (lett.) petroniano. ■ s.m. e f. [nativo o abitante di Bologna] ▶◀ [➨ bolognese agg.] … Enciclopedia Italiana
Bolognese — [bō΄lə nēz′, bō΄lənēs′] n. pl. Bolognese a person born or living in Bologna adj. of Bologna or its people or language … English World dictionary
Bolognese, il — (spr. njēse), ital. Maler, s. Grimaldi … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bolognese — 1756, pertaining to BOLOGNA (Cf. Bologna) (q.v.) … Etymology dictionary
Bolognese — Fettuccine mit Ragù alla bolognese Ragù alla bolognese [raˈgu ˌalːaboloɲˈɲeːse] ist ein gehaltvolles Ragout, das vorwiegend zu Nudeln (z. B. Tagliatelle, Maccheroni oder Penne) gereicht wird. Es stammt aus dem norditalienischen Bologna und ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
bolognese — bo·lo·gné·se agg., s.m. e f. AD 1. agg., di Bologna: la cucina bolognese | agg., s.m. e f., nativo o abitante di Bologna 2. s.m., dialetto di Bologna 3. s.m., solo sing., spec. con iniz. maiusc., il territorio intorno a Bologna {{line}} {{/line}} … Dizionario italiano
Bolognese — n. family name; spaghetti bolognese, pasta or spaghetti with ground meat and tomato sauce; native of Bologna adj. pertaining to or originating in Bologna (Italy); with ground meat and tomato; with bolognese sauce … English contemporary dictionary
bolognese — bo|log|ne|se sb., n, i sms. bolognese , fx bolognesesovs; spaghetti bolognese … Dansk ordbog
Bolognese — /boh leuh neez , nees , leuhn yeez , yees /; for 2 also /boh leuhn yayz , yay zee/ or, It., /baw law nye ze/, adj., n., pl. Bolognese. adj. 1. of or pertaining to Bologna or its inhabitants. 2. Italian Cookery. served with a cream sauce typically … Universalium