Смотреть что такое "birrificio" в других словарях:
birrificio — bir·ri·fì·cio s.m. CO l industria della fabbricazione della birra | fabbrica di birra {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX … Dizionario italiano
birrificio — pl.m. birrifici … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Smoked beer — (German: Rauchbier ) is a type of beer with a distinctive smoke flavor, which can be imparted either by using malted barley dried over an open flame, or (less commonly) by placing a large, heated stone in the unfermented beer. Beer , by Michael… … Wikipedia
Dogfish Head Brewery — Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Off centered ales for off centered people Industry Alcoholic beverage Founded 1995 Founder(s) Sam Calagione Headquarters … Wikipedia
List of World Beer Cup awards — The World Beer Cup, known as The Olympics of Beer Competition [1], is one of several major international beer competitions.[2] It was founded by Association of Brewers President Charlie Papazian. The World Beer Cup is held every two years. The… … Wikipedia
Induno Olona — Vorlage:Infobox Gemeinde in Italien/Wartung/Wappen fehlt … Deutsch Wikipedia
brasserie — /brasə ri/, it. /bras:e ri/ s.f., fr. [da brasser fabbricare la birra ], in ital. invar. 1. (industr.) [fabbrica di birra] ▶◀ birreria, (non com.) birrificio. 2. (comm.) [locale tipico della Francia, in cui si mangia] ▶◀ ‖ birreria, pub, tavola… … Enciclopedia Italiana