Смотреть что такое "bermuda" в других словарях:
Bermuda — Bermuda … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bermuda II — was a Bilateral Air Transport Agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States signed on July 23, 1977 as a renegotiation of the original 1946 Bermuda Agreement. A new open skies agreement was signed by the United… … Wikipedia
bermuda — [ bɛrmyda ] n. m. • 1958; mot angl. amér., nom des îles Bermudes ♦ Short collant à longues jambes s arrêtant au genou. Un bermuda à fleurs. Porter un bermuda, des bermudas. ● bermuda nom masculin (américain Bermuda shorts, short des Bermudes)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bermuda — Bermuda, a set of some 150 islands in the Atlantic due east of the state of Georgia, was uninhabited when in 1609 British shipwreck survivors arrived. Deciding to stay, they invited others to join them. A group of Scottish Presbyterians… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
bermudă — *bermúdă s. f., g. d. art. bermúdei; pl. bermúde Trimis de Laura ana, 16.07.2007. Sursa: DOOM 2 BERMÚDĂ s. f. şort până la genunchi. (< fr., amer. bermuda) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Bermuda — Atlantic island, named for Spanish explorer Juan de Bermudez (d.1570), who discovered it c.1515. Bermuda shorts first attested 1953 (in The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler), from the type of garb worn by U.S. tourists there. Bermuda triangle is… … Etymology dictionary
Bermuda — n. same as {Bermudas}. Syn: Bermudas. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
BERMUDA — in tabulis dicitur, quae alias Barbados, insula America: syrtibus ac procellis famosa, quam Angli hôc tempore coloniis frequentant. Vide Meriani tom. 13. Americ. sect. 3. de Bermuda seu Summeri insula … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bermuda — er en øgruppe i Atlanterhavet øst for USA. Hovedstaden er Hamilton. Øerne er en del af et stort koralrev … Danske encyklopædi
bermuda — s.m. pl. [dal nome delle isole Bermude]. (abbigl.) [tipo di calzoncini larghi che arrivano al ginocchio] ▶◀ ⇑ calzoncini (corti), pantaloncini, shorts … Enciclopedia Italiana
bermuda — → bermudas … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas