- beatniks
англ.битники, потерянное поколение
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Beatniks (novel) — Beatniks: An English Road Movie (1997) is a novel by British author Toby Litt set in Bedford in The United Kingdom in 1995, and concerns the adventures of a group of young people who admire the Beat Writers and Musicians of the 1950s and 1960s… … Wikipedia
beatniks — beat·nik || biËtnɪk n. member of the beat generation; person of the late 1950 s and early 60 s who rejects the conventions of society … English contemporary dictionary
beatniks — noun a United States youth subculture of the 1950s; rejected possessions or regular work or traditional dress; for communal living and psychedelic drugs and anarchism; favored modern forms of jazz (e.g., bebop) • Syn: ↑beat generation, ↑beats •… … Useful english dictionary
Los Beatniks (Colombia) — Los Beatniks Datos generales Origen Bogotá, Colombia Estado Disuelto … Wikipedia Español
Los Beatniks — Para la moda y corriente cultural estadounidense de los años 50, véase Beatnik. Los Beatniks Datos generales Origen Buenos Aires … Wikipedia Español
Où sont passés les beatniks ? — Où sont passés les beatniks ? Album par Thierry Hazard Sortie 1993 Enregistrement Studio de la Grande Armée Genre pop rock Label Columbia … Wikipédia en Français
The Beatniks — are a duo formed by Yukihiro Takahashi and Keiichi Suzuki. Albums* Exitentialism (1981) * Exitentialist A Go Go (1987) * Another High Exit (1994), Remix of Exitentialism * The Show Vol.4 Yohji Yamamoto Collection Music (1996)ingles* No Way Out/Le … Wikipedia
Beatnik — Beatniks were members of a sociocultural movement in the 1950s that subscribed to an anti materialistic lifestyle. HistoryAuthor Jack Kerouac introduced the phrase Beat Generation in 1948, generalizing from his social circle to characterize the… … Wikipedia
Beatnik — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda … Wikipedia Español
Beat Generation — The Beat Generation is a term used to describe both a group of American writers who came to prominence in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the cultural phenomena that they wrote about and inspired (later sometimes called beatniks ): a… … Wikipedia
beatnik — [ bitnik ] n. • 1959; de l angl. amér. beat generation « génération foutue » et de nik, suff. yiddish d o. slave ♦ Anglic. Personne en révolte contre le conformisme bourgeois et la société de consommation, qui vit d expédients, sans domicile fixe … Encyclopédie Universelle