- Austràlia
Австралия- Commonwealth di Austràlia
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Australia — • Includes history, education, and religious statistics Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Australia Australia † … Catholic encyclopedia
AUSTRALIA — AUSTRALIA, island continent, within the British Commonwealth. At least six Jewish convicts who arrived at Botany Bay, New South Wales, in 1788 were later among the first settlers, including John Harris who, when freed, became the first policeman… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Australia II — Technische Daten (Überblick) Takelung: Sloop Segelklasse: 12mR Segelnummer: KA 6 Konstrukteur: Ben Lexcen Stapellauf: 6. Juni 1982 Werft … Deutsch Wikipedia
Australia — ist: die englische Bezeichnung für das Land Australien die englische Bezeichnung für den gleichnamigen Kontinent, siehe Australien (Kontinent) der Name der siegreichen Herausforderer Yacht im 25. America s Cup, siehe Australia II der Titel eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
australia — ● australia adjectif invariable Antigène australia, antigène du virus à A.D.N. de l hépatite B. ● australia (expressions) adjectif invariable Antigène australia, antigène du virus à A.D.N. de l hépatite B. ● australia (synonymes) adjectif… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Australia — (Астипалея,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Astypálaia, Астипалея, 85900, Греция … Каталог отелей
Australia A — may refer to: * Australia A cricket team * Australia A national rugby union team … Wikipedia
Australia — [ô strāl′yə] [ModL < L ( terra) australis, southern (land): see AUSTRAL] 1. island continent in the Southern Hemisphere between the S Pacific and Indian oceans 2. country comprising this continent and Tasmania: a member of the Commonwealth:… … English World dictionary
Australia — Australia, Urkontinent, Gondwana … Universal-Lexikon
Australia — from L. Terra Australis (16c.), from australis southern + IA (Cf. ia). A hypothetical southern continent, known as terra australis incognita, had been proposed since 2c. Dutch explorers called the newfound continent New Holland; the current name… … Etymology dictionary
austrália — s. f. Mimosa de folha persistente … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa