- ponere
уст.см. porre
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
PONERE — apud Statium, Theb. l. 2. v. 82. Qualia per Rhodopen rapido convivia coetu Bistones, aut mediae ponunt convallibus Ossae: conviviorum et mensarum verbum est. Hinc mox, v. 88. festasque reponere mensas. Hae enim ablatiles erant Veteribus, nec… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ponere — index invest (fund), propose Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ponere — v. porre … Enciclopedia Italiana
ponère — (entrée créée par le supplément) (po nè r ) s. f. Sorte de fourmi, dite aussi fourmi resserrée, formica ou ponera contracta, Latr … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
ponere — pó·ne·re v.tr. e intr. OB LE var. → porre … Dizionario italiano
ponere — (Latin.) To place. To put … Ballentine's law dictionary
ad rationem ponere — /aed reyshiyownam pownariy/ To cite a person to appear. A technical expression in the old records of the Exchequer, signifying, to put to the bar and interrogate as to a charge made; to arraign on a trial … Black's law dictionary
manumittere idem est quod extra manum vel postestatem ponere — /meenyamitariy aydsm est kwod ekstra maenam vel powtasteytam pownariy/ To manumit is the same as to place beyond hand and power … Black's law dictionary
ad rationem ponere — /aed reyshiyownam pownariy/ To cite a person to appear. A technical expression in the old records of the Exchequer, signifying, to put to the bar and interrogate as to a charge made; to arraign on a trial … Black's law dictionary
manumittere idem est quod extra manum vel postestatem ponere — /meenyamitariy aydsm est kwod ekstra maenam vel powtasteytam pownariy/ To manumit is the same as to place beyond hand and power … Black's law dictionary
vadium ponere — /veyd(i)yam pownariy/ To take bail for the appearance of a person in a court of justice … Black's law dictionary