- pom.
см. p. m.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
POM-2 — Allgemeine Angaben Bezeichnung: POM 2 Typ: Antipersonenmine Herkunftsland: Russland … Deutsch Wikipedia
POM-1 — Allgemeine Angaben Bezeichnung: POM 1 Typ: Antipersonenmine Herkunftsland: Russland … Deutsch Wikipedia
pom — POM, pomi, s.m. Nume generic pentru orice arbore sălbatic sau cultivat care produce fructe comestibile; p. gener. copac, arbore. ♢ Pom de iarnă (sau de Crăciun) = brad (sau alt conifer) împodobit cu daruri şi ornamente, cu prilejul Crăciunului şi … Dicționar Român
Pom — or Pom may mean: * [http://www.netfilter.org/projects/patch o matic/index.html Patch o Matic] A system for patching the Linux Kernel. * An alternative word for British used by speakers of Australian English, New Zealand English, South African… … Wikipedia
POM — ist eine Abkürzung für: Pays d’outre mer, siehe Französische Überseegebiete Flughafen Port Moresby in Papua Neuguinea (IATA Code) Paper (oder Printer) Output Management, Druckkostensteuerung und überwachung Particulate Organic Matter, eine Gruppe … Deutsch Wikipedia
pom|e|lo — «POM uh loh», noun, plural los. 1. = grapefruit. (Cf. ↑grapefruit) 2. = shaddock. (Cf. ↑shaddock) Also, pummelo. ╂[origin uncertain] … Useful english dictionary
Pom|er|a|ni|an — «POM uh RAY nee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Pomerania, on the south coast of the Baltic Sea, or its people. –n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Pomerania. 2. any one of a breed of small dogs, weighing from 3 to 7 pounds,… … Useful english dictionary
pom|mé — or pom|mée «p MAY», adjective. Heraldry. having arms that terminate in knobs, globes, or balls: »a cross pommé. ╂[< French pommé, past participle of pommer to end in a round head < pomme apple] … Useful english dictionary
pom|my — «POM ee», noun, plural mies. Australian Slang. a British immigrant who has recently come to Australia; pomegranate … Useful english dictionary
pom|pa|no — «POM puh noh», noun, plural nos or (collectively) no. 1. any one of a group of food fishes of the West Indies and the coasts of southern North America. 2. a similar fish of the California coast. ╂[American English < American Spanish pámpano… … Useful english dictionary
pom — /pom/, n. pommy. [prob. by back formation] * * * … Universalium