- Polfer
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
POLFER — acron. Polizia ferroviaria … Dizionario italiano
polfer — /pol fɛr/ s.f. [sigla di pol(izia ) e fer(roviaria )]. [polizia che sorveglia le stazioni e fa da scorta ai treni] ▶◀ polizia ferroviaria … Enciclopedia Italiana
Polfer — Lydie Polfer (* 22. November 1952 in Luxemburg (Stadt) ist eine luxemburgische Politikerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Politik 3 Weblinks 4 Siehe auch // … Deutsch Wikipedia
Polfer — Recorded in several spelling forms including: Polfer, Pulfar, Pulfer, and Pulver, the latter being an example of the interchangeability of v and f in the late medieval spellings, this is an English surname, derived from the pre 7th century German … Surnames reference
Polfer — {{hw}}{{Polfer}}{{/hw}}s. f. inv. Polizia che presta servizio sui treni e nelle stazioni (da polizia ferroviaria) … Enciclopedia di italiano
Polfer — s. f. inv. CFR. polizia, Polaria, Polstrada … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Camille Polfer — (21 November 1924 – 19 March 1983) was a Luxembourgian politician and teacher.Born in Namur, in southern Belgium, to Luxembourgian parents, Polfer received his primary education in France, and his secondary education in Echternach, in Luxembourg … Wikipedia
Lydie Polfer — (2007) Lydie Polfer (* 22. November 1952 in Luxemburg (Stadt) ist eine luxemburgische Politikerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lydie Polfer — (born 22 November 1952) was the deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Luxembourg in the government of Jean Claude Juncker from August 1999 until July 2004, when she had to resign as her party lost the elections. She is now candidate to… … Wikipedia
Lydie Polfer — (2007) Lydie Polfer (Ciudad de Luxemburgo, 22 de noviembre de 1952) es una política luxemburguesa, miembro del Partido Democrático, del que fue presidenta entre 1994 y 2004. Polfer fue alcaldesa de la Ciudad de Luxemburgo entre 1982 y 1999,… … Wikipedia Español
Juncker-Polfer Ministry — The Juncker Polfer Ministry was the government of Luxembourg between 7 August 1999 and 31 July 2004. It was led by, and named after, Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker and Deputy Prime Minister Lydie Polfer.Ministers … Wikipedia