

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "pergamina" в других словарях:

  • pergamina — pl.f. pergamine …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • parchment — [13] Under several layers of disguise lurks the geographical origin of parchment: the ancient town of Pergamum in western Turkey, whose inhabitants used the skin of sheep for writing on rather than papyrus. In Latin, such skin was known as charta …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • parchment — [13] Under several layers of disguise lurks the geographical origin of parchment: the ancient town of Pergamum in western Turkey, whose inhabitants used the skin of sheep for writing on rather than papyrus. In Latin, such skin was known as charta …   Word origins

  • Parchment — Parch ment (p[aum]rch ment), n. [OE. parchemin, perchemin, F. parchemin, LL. pergamenum, L. pergamena, pergamina, fr. L. Pergamenus of or belonging to Pergamus an ancient city of Mysia in Asia Minor, where parchment was first used.] 1. The skin… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parchment paper — Parchment Parch ment (p[aum]rch ment), n. [OE. parchemin, perchemin, F. parchemin, LL. pergamenum, L. pergamena, pergamina, fr. L. Pergamenus of or belonging to Pergamus an ancient city of Mysia in Asia Minor, where parchment was first used.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parchment — The skin of a sheep or goat (and by extension often used more generally to include vellum), prepared for writing on; also used for the bindings of books. Preparation was a lengthy process: once the wool had been removed, the skin was soaked in… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • PARCHEMIN — PARCHEMI Peau de mouton, de veau ou de chèvre spécialement préparée pour recevoir l’écriture. La peau de très jeune veau, d’une grande finesse, est dite «vélin». L’invention du parchemin, attribuée par la légende aux habitants de Pergame (d’où le …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • parchemin — (par che min) s. m. 1°   Peau de mouton, de brebis ou d agneau, qui est préparée avec de l alun pour écrire surtout les pièces qu on veut conserver longtemps, telles que les titres des maisons et des terres, les brevets, les lettres patentes, etc …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Parchment — This rare and unusual name embodies a long and most interesting history. As a surname, it is a metonymic applied, quite literally, to a parchment maker or seller. The word parchment was derived, via the Middle English and Old French parchemin ,… …   Surnames reference

  • ՄԱԳԱՂԱԹ — (ի, ից.) NBH 2 0187 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 5c, 6c, 11c, 13c գ. ՄԱԳԱՂԱԹ ՄԱԳԱՂԱՏ. (լծ. եբր. մէկէլլա ʼի կալալ, որ է գալարել, գլորել. որպէս եւ թ. քէաղըտ, քէաղատ է թուղթ). δέρρις (թ. տէրի ). membrana, charta. իտ.… …   հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)

  • parchment — noun 1》 a stiff material made from the prepared skin of a sheep or goat, formerly used as a writing surface. 2》 (also parchment paper) stiff translucent paper treated to resemble parchment. 3》 informal a diploma or other formal document. Origin… …   English new terms dictionary

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