- per.
1) сокр. от periodo период2) сокр. от perito эксперт
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Per — ist ein skandinavischer männlicher Vorname[1], abgeleitet vom griechischen Namen Petros (deutsch Peter). Weiteres zu Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens siehe hier. Andere Formen des Namens sind Pär und Peer. Namensträger Per Ahlmark (* 1939),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
per se — 1 /pər sā, ˌper ; pər sē/ adv [Latin, by, of, or in itself] 1: inherently, strictly, or by operation of statute, constitutional provision or doctrine, or case law the transaction was illegal per se see also negligence per se at negligence; … Law dictionary
Per — Per, prep. [L. Cf. {Far}, {For }, {Pardon}, and cf. {Par}, prep.] Through; by means of; through the agency of; by; for; for each; as, per annum; per capita, by heads, or according to individuals; per curiam, by the court; per se, by itself, of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
per — / pər/ prep: as stated by used to indicate the author of an opinion with which the majority of judges concur Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. per … Law dictionary
Per — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
Per — or PER may refer to: Per (given name), a Scandinavian form of Peter Per (storm), a storm in Sweden, in January 2007 the IOC country code for Peru the IATA code for Perth Airport in Western Australia PE ratio, price to earnings ratio, used in… … Wikipedia
Per se — (sometimes misspelled per say or persay ) is: *A Latin phrase used in English arguments for by itself or by themselves It also is used in law: *Illegal per se, the legal usage of per se in criminal and anti trust law *Negligence per se, legal use … Wikipedia
Per os — (P.O.) is an adverbial phrase meaning literally from Latin by mouth or by way of the mouth. The expression is used in medicine to describe a treatment that is taken orally. The abbreviated P.O. is often used on medical prescriptions. P.O. is also … Wikipedia
Per- — [See {Per}.] 1. A prefix used to signify through, throughout, by, for, or as an intensive as perhaps, by hap or chance; perennial, that lasts throughout the year; perforce, through or by force; perfoliate, perforate; perspicuous, evident… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Per á Hædd — is a Faroese photographer based in Tórshavn whose photographs were featured on stamps issued in 1999:and later on stamps issued in the year 2000:External links* [http://www.colourart.dk/per a haedd.htm Per á Hædd Colour Art Photo website] … Wikipedia
Per C. — Per C., Abkürzung für Per contant … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon