- Nòvgorod
Новгород- Nòvgorod Severskij
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
NOVGOROD — Les premières mentions de Novgorod, dont le nom signifie «ville neuve», remontent au IXe siècle; située sur le Volkhov, près du lac Ilmen, au nord de la voie commerciale reliant «les Varègues aux Grecs», la cité de Novgorod est l’un des deux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Novgorod — es una ciudad a 160 kilometros al sur de San Petersburgo fundada por los vikingos rusos. A la llegada de los mongoles a Rusia fue el ultimo principado que escapo de su dominio y los venció. * * * ► Prov. del NO de Rusia, al S del lago Ladoga; 55… … Enciclopedia Universal
Novgorod — [näv′gə räd΄; ] Russ [ nō̂v′gə rət] city in NW Russia: former political & commercial center (11th 15th cent.): pop. 233,000 … English World dictionary
Nóvgorod — Великий Новгород Veliki Nóvgorod Bandera … Wikipedia Español
Novgorod — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Novgorod (homonymie). Veliki Novgorod Великий Новгород … Wikipédia en Français
Novgorod — /nov geuh rod /; Russ. /nawv geuh rddeuht/, n. a city in the Russian Federation in Europe, SE of St. Petersburg: a former capital of Russia. 228,000. * * * City (pop., 1999 est.: 231,700), northwestern Russia. Located on the Volkhov River north… … Universalium
Novgorod — Rus (q.v.) city along the Volkhov River. The Russian Primary Chronicle describes Novgorod as an important trading center on the water route that the Varangians (q.v.) used to get to Constantinople (q.v.). There was an important Scandinavian… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
Novgorod — Stadt Weliki Nowgorod Великий Новгород Flagge Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Novgorod — noun a) A historic city and a former principality in Russia. b) A medieval Russian state. Syn: Veliky Novgorod, Великий Новгород … Wiktionary
NOVGOROD — (21), a noted Russian city, and capital of a government of the same name, is situated on the Volkhof, 110 m. SE. of St. Petersburg; is divided into two parts by the bridged river, contains the cathedral of St. Sophia (11th century); with its… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Novgorod — n. region in northwestern Russia; capital city of the region of Novgorod (Russia) … English contemporary dictionary