- nizzardo
1. agg
ницц(с)кий2. mжитель Ниццыl'eroe nizzardo, il gran nizzardo — Джузеппе Гарибальди
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
nizzardo — niz·zàr·do agg., s.m. CO 1. agg., di Nizza | agg., s.m., nativo o abitante di Nizza 2. s.m., solo sing., per anton., il Nizzardo, Giuseppe Garibaldi {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1792. ETIMO: der. di Nizza, nome di una città della Francia meridionale … Dizionario italiano
Nizzardo Italians — were the Italian and Ligurian speaking populations of the County of Nice ( Nizza ), who formed the majority of the county s population until the mid 19th century.Fact|date=June 2008 The term was coined by Italian Irredentists who sought the… … Wikipedia
nizzardo — pl.m. nizzardi sing.f. nizzarda pl.f. nizzarde … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Italian irredentism in Nice — Giuseppe Garibaldi, the most renowned Nizzardo Italian Coat of arms of the Nizzardo (County of Nice) … Wikipedia
Niçard — Nissart/Niçart Niçois/Nizzardo Pronunciation [niˈsaʀt] Spoken in … Wikipedia
Giuseppe Garibaldi — Garibaldi redirects here, for other meanings see Garibaldi (disambiguation). Infobox Person name = Giuseppe Garibaldi caption = Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1866. birth date = July 4, 1807 birth place = Nizza, First French Empire death date = death date … Wikipedia
Niçois — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Niçois (homonymie). niçois niçard (norme classique) niçart, nissart (norme mistralienne) Parlée en France Région Comté de Nice Typologie … Wikipédia en Français
Monégasque dialect — Monégasque Munegascu Spoken in Monaco Native speakers 35,657 (2006) (date missing) Language family Indo European … Wikipedia
Monégasque language — language name=Monégasque nativename=Munegascu familycolor=Indo European states=flag|Monaco speakers= 35,657 (2006) fam2=Romance fam3=Italo Western fam4=Western fam5=Gallo Iberian fam6=Gallo Romance fam7=Gallo Italic nation=Monaco iso2=roa… … Wikipedia
Mentonasc — (Mentonasco in Italian, Mentonnais in French), is a transition dialect historically in and around Menton, France. It is generally classified as Occitan, with some strong features from the neighbouring Intemelian Ligurian dialect spoken from… … Wikipedia
County of Nice — Contea di Nizza County of Nice Constituent country of Piedmont Sardinia … Wikipedia