- mussolo
m обл.; = mussola
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
mussolo — 1mùs·so·lo s.m. BU pop., mussola {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1674. ETIMO: der. di mussola. 2mùs·so·lo s.m. RE ven. nome comune di vari molluschi Lamellibranchi, simili ai mitili {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1792. ETIMO: ven. musolo, prob. dal lat.… … Dizionario italiano
mussolo — mussolo1 pl.m. mussoli mussolo2 pl.m. mussoli … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
émissole — [ emisɔl ] n. f. • 1753; it. mussolo, du lat. mustela ♦ Petit squale (sélaciens) commun en Méditerranée, appelé aussi chien de mer. ● émissole nom féminin (italien mussolo, du latin mustela) Petit requin vivipare de forme élancée, nocturne, à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
muslin — [muz′lin] n. [Fr mousseline < It mussolino < mussolo, muslin, after Mussolo (< Ar Mauṣil), Mosul, city in Iraq, where it was made] any of various strong, often sheer cotton fabrics of plain weave; esp., a heavy variety used for sheets,… … English World dictionary
mousseline de laine — Muslin Mus lin, n. [F. mousseline; cf. It. mussolino, mussolo, Sp. muselina; all from Mussoul a city of Mesopotamia, Ar. Mausil, Syr. Mauzol, Muzol, Mosul, where it was first manufactured. Cf. {Mull} a kind of cloth.] A thin cotton, white, dyed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Muslin — Mus lin, n. [F. mousseline; cf. It. mussolino, mussolo, Sp. muselina; all from Mussoul a city of Mesopotamia, Ar. Mausil, Syr. Mauzol, Muzol, Mosul, where it was first manufactured. Cf. {Mull} a kind of cloth.] A thin cotton, white, dyed, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Muslin cambric — Muslin Mus lin, n. [F. mousseline; cf. It. mussolino, mussolo, Sp. muselina; all from Mussoul a city of Mesopotamia, Ar. Mausil, Syr. Mauzol, Muzol, Mosul, where it was first manufactured. Cf. {Mull} a kind of cloth.] A thin cotton, white, dyed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Muslin delaine — Muslin Mus lin, n. [F. mousseline; cf. It. mussolino, mussolo, Sp. muselina; all from Mussoul a city of Mesopotamia, Ar. Mausil, Syr. Mauzol, Muzol, Mosul, where it was first manufactured. Cf. {Mull} a kind of cloth.] A thin cotton, white, dyed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Муслин — (франц. mousseline, итал. mussolina, от Mussolo итальянского названия г. Мосул в Ираке) хлопчатобумажная или шёлковая ткань полотняного переплетения. Хлопчатобумажная М. вырабатывается из миткаля (См. Миткаль), который подвергают белению… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Colonial history of Angola — History of Angola This article is part of a series Precolonial history (Prehistory–1575) … Wikipedia
Муслин (ткань) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Муслин. Мария Антуанетта в плат … Википедия