mountain bike
Смотреть что такое "mountain bike" в других словарях:
Mountain Bike — ● Mountain Bike nom masculin (de l anglais mountain, montagne, et bike, vélo) Bicyclette tout terrain à pneus épais et à guidon droit, utilisé en montagne. Sport pratiqué avec cette bicyclette … Encyclopédie Universelle
mountain bike — n. a bicycle having a sturdy frame, handlebars straight across, wide 26 inch tires with a knobby tread, as many as 21 24 gears, etc., that is suitable for both road and off road use: occasionally called mountain bicycle mountain biker n … English World dictionary
mountain bike — mountain bikes N COUNT A mountain bike is a type of bicycle that is suitable for riding over rough ground. It has a strong frame and thick tyres … English dictionary
mountain bike — (ingl.; pronunc. [móntan báic]) f. Bicicleta de montaña … Enciclopedia Universal
mountain bike — mountain .bike n ↑tire, ↑lock, ↑spoke, ↑reflector, ↑tyre, ↑pedal, ↑handlebars a strong bicycle with a lot of ↑gears and wide tyres, specially designed for riding up hills and on rough ground … Dictionary of contemporary English
mountain bike — mountain ,bike noun count a bicycle with wide tires and a strong frame, designed to be used on rough ground … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mountain bike — (izg. màuntinbājk) m DEFINICIJA bicikl s mnogo brzina, velikim kotačima širokih guma i jakim kočnicama, osobito pogodan za vožnje po neravnom i brdovitom tlu; brdski bicikl ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
mountain bike — ► NOUN ▪ a sturdy bicycle with broad deep treaded tyres and multiple gears, originally intended for riding on mountainous terrain … English terms dictionary
Mountain bike — This article is about mountain bikes themselves. For the associated activity, see Mountain biking. A full suspension mountain bike A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated MTB or ATB (all terrain bicycle)) is a bicycle created for off… … Wikipedia
mountain bike — noun a bicycle with a sturdy frame and fat tires; originally designed for riding in mountainous country • Syn: ↑all terrain bike, ↑off roader • Hypernyms: ↑bicycle, ↑bike, ↑wheel, ↑cycle * * * noun, pl ⋯ bikes [count] … Useful english dictionary
Mountain bike — Vélo tout terrain Le vélo tout terrain, abrégé VTT, ou vélo de montagne (en anglais mountain bike, abrégé MTB), est un vélo destiné à une utilisation sur terrain accidenté, hors des routes goudronnées. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Le matériel 2.1 Le… … Wikipédia en Français