- Minnesinger
нем. муз.; = Minnesänger
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
minnesinger — [ minesiŋgɛr ] n. m. • 1766; mot all. ♦ Poète chanteur allemand, au Moyen Âge. ⇒ trouvère. La poésie courtoise des minnesingers. ⇒MINNESINGER, subst. masc. HIST. DE LA LITT. Poète musicien allemand du Moyen Âge. Un de ces petits tableaux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
minnesinger — s.m. Cântăreţ medieval german, autor şi interpret de minnesang. [pr.: mínezingăr, var. (după alte surse) minesenger, minnesänger] – cuv. germ. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 MINNESINGER / MINNESÄNGERmínezíngăr / mínezéngăr]s.… … Dicționar Român
minnesinger — (n.) one of a class of medieval German poets who imitated the troubadours, 1825, from Ger. minnesinger, from minne love, especially sexual love (from O.H.G. minna loving memory, originally memory; see MIND (Cf. mind) (n.)) + singer (see SINGER… … Etymology dictionary
Minnesinger — Min ne*sing er, n. [G., fr. minne love + singen to sing.] A love singer; specifically, one of a class of German poets and musicians who flourished from about the middle of the twelfth to the middle of the fourteenth century. They were chiefly of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Minnesinger — (Minnesänger) werden, mit besonderer Hervorhebung des von ihnen vorzugsweise behandelten poetischen Stoffes, die deutschen Lyriker des 12. und 13. Jahrh. in ihrer Gesamtheit genannt. Eigentlich lyrische Dichtungen treten in Deutschland erst in… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Minnesinger — Minnesinger, die deutschen lyrischen Dichter des 12. und 13. Jahrh., so benannt nach dem hauptsächlichsten Stoffe ihrer Dichtungen, der Minne. Die hauptsächlichsten M. sind: der von Kürenberg, Dietmar von Aist, der Spervogel, Heinrich von Veldeke … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
minnesinger — [min′i siŋ΄ər] n. [Ger, altered (< singer < singen,SING2) < MHG minnesenger < minne, love < OHG minna, orig., loving recollection (for IE base see MIND) + MHG senger, a singer < OHG sangari < sang,SONG + ari, ER] any of a… … English World dictionary
minnesinger — /min euh sing euhr/, n. one of a class of German lyric poets and singers of the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries. [1815 25; < G, equiv. to Minne love + Singer singer] * * * (from German, Minne: love ) Any of certain German poet musicians, с 1150–с… … Universalium
Minnesinger — Minnesänger нем. [минэзэ/нгер] Minnesinger [минэзи/нгер] миннезингер (нем. поэт рыцарь 12 15 в.) см. также Minnesang … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
Minnesinger — [ mɪnəsɪŋə] noun a German lyric poet and singer of the 12th–14th centuries, who performed songs of courtly love. Origin C19: from Ger. Minnesinger love singer … English new terms dictionary
minnesinger — noun Etymology: German, from Middle High German, from minne love + singer singer Date: 1825 any of a class of German poets and musicians of the 12th to the 14th centuries … New Collegiate Dictionary