Смотреть что такое "micio" в других словарях:
micio — / mitʃo/ s.m. [voce onomatopeica infantile] (f. a ), fam. [piccolo felino domestico, anchecome appellativo affettuoso: accarezzare il m. ] ▶◀ gatto … Enciclopedia Italiana
micio — 1mì·cio s.m. CO 1. nel linguaggio infantile e fam., gatto: il micio di casa, un micio bianco e rosso 2. fig., come epiteto affettuoso, spec. riferito all uomo amato {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1640. ETIMO: voce di orig. onom. 2mì·cio s.m. RE tosc.… … Dizionario italiano
Micio, S. — S. Micio (18. April), Martyrer in Africa. S. S. Victor. (II. 541) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
micio — {{hw}}{{micio}}{{/hw}}s. m. (f. a ; pl. f. cie o ce ) (fam.) Gatto domestico … Enciclopedia di italiano
micio — pl.m. mici sing.f. micia pl.f. micie, mice … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
micio — s. m. (fam.) gatto, gattino … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Affittacamere Lo Micio di Tatà — (Пре Сен Дидье,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rue Cordelloz 6, 1101 … Каталог отелей
uàttìdd — micio, gattino … Dizionario Materano
Adelphoe — also written Adelphoi and Adelphi (English: The brothers ) is a play by Terence, a Roman playwright. It was first performed in 160 BC at the funeral of Aemilius Paulus. Adelphoe aroused controversy since Terence added in it a scene from a play b … Wikipedia
Sa Razza — is one of the first hip hop crews from Sardinia, Italy. Their first track In sa ia (1992) ( In the street ) was the first rap track in Sardinian. On their debut album Wessisla , they merged influences from G funk, Chicano rap and other Latin… … Wikipedia
False cognate — False cognates are pairs of words in the same or different languages that are similar in form and meaning but have different roots. That is, they appear to be or are sometimes considered cognates when in fact they are not. Note that even false… … Wikipedia