- memorabilia
m, plпамятные события, вехи (в истории и т.д.)
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Memorabilia — The Singles Compilation album by Soft Cell Released 20 May 1991 (UK) … Wikipedia
memorabilia — (n.) things worth remembering, 1806, from L. memorabilia notable achievements, noun use of neuter plural of memorabilis worthy of being remembered (see MEMORABLE (Cf. memorable)) … Etymology dictionary
memorabilia — meaning ‘souvenirs of memorable events, people, etc.’, is a plural noun, and should not be treated as singular: • ☒ We ve got railway memorabilia and we re very proud of it Best, 1991 … Modern English usage
memorabilia — mem o*ra*bil i*a, n. pl. [L., fr. memorabilis memorable. See {Memorable}.] 1. Things remarkable and worthy of remembrance or record; also, the record of them. [1913 Webster] 2. Mementos of past events; souvenirs. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
memorabilia — Items to be remembered. Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
memorabilia — [n] mementos annals, archives, collectibles, keepsakes, relics, remembrances, reminders, souvenirs, tokens, trophies; concepts 337,446 … New thesaurus
memorabilia — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ objects kept or collected because of their associations with memorable people or events … English terms dictionary
memorabilia — [mem΄ə rə bil′ē ə, mem΄ər əbil′yə; mem΄ər ə bēl′ē ə, mem΄ər əbēl′yə] pl.n. sing. memorabile [mem΄ə ra′bi lē΄] [L, neut. pl. of memorabilis, memorable] things serving as a record or reminder of some person or event … English World dictionary
Memorabilia — Unter memorabile, memorabilia (lat. memorabilis = denkwürdig) versteht man Denkwürdigkeiten, die zumeist als Nachricht oder auch literarische Sammlungen gefasst sind. Nach André Jolles stellen memorabilien sog. Einfache Formen dar, sind also… … Deutsch Wikipedia
memorabilia — me·mo·ra·bì·lia s.m.pl., lat. CO eventi, fatti degni di essere ricordati | estens., opere, personaggi, spec. del mondo dello spettacolo e della cultura, divenuti oggetto di culto: i memorabilia della musica rock {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: lat.… … Dizionario italiano
memorabilia — Objects collected for their historical significance, for the memories they evoke often sentimental. Examples include old posters and other advertisements, election campaign buttons, party invitations, packaging, theater tickets, and other… … Glossary of Art Terms